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artwork_approval_-_how_to_for_employees [2019/01/30 09:22]
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 +======  ======
 +With the creation of the Artwork Approval feature, your employees in the design department will use Control more than they ever have. Tasks such as creating artwork groups, adding proof files, setting named roles, and routing artwork will primarily fall on the design department's list of duties, although CSR's may assist with some of these tasks. Let's take a detailed look at how each of these tasks will be performed. To make this a little easier, we've split up your employee's tasks in two groups:
 +  * Non-routing tasks
 +  * Routing tasks
 +Note: The "Designer" is mentioned throughout this article because they will normally perform the majority of these tasks. Feel free to substitute that term with the employee who will perform each duty in your shop.
 +===== Non-Routing Tasks =====
 +As the name suggests, this section describes many of the actions employees have with artwork other than routing them to new statuses.
 +==== Setting the Artwork Group Configuration ====
 +Each line item may be associated with its own Artwork Group, but multiple line items can also be associated with the same Artwork Group. One of the first tasks the Designer performs is to create the Artwork Group and determine how Artwork Groups should be tied to line items.
 +To create a new Artwork Group on the order's Artwork tab, the Designer will click the //Add Artwork Group// button. The new Artwork Group will automatically be given the next group letter and the Document Management folders created.
 +The designer can designate which line items go with which artwork on the order's Artwork tab. Each Artwork Group has a multi-select drop down that allows it to be linked to any of the line items:
 +All of the line items (including child items) are listed with checkboxes next to them. Checking a line item associates it with that Artwork Group. If it was already associated with another Artwork Group, it is automatically removed from that group.
 +If no line items are associated with the Artwork Group, the Artwork Group remains but is set inactive and displays a message to the user.
 +==== Add Proof Files to an Artwork Group ====
 +Adding Proof Files to an Artwork Group is done automatically when a new proof file is placed in the Artwork Group's Proof folder. The Artwork Group folders are automatically created when the group is created. Once the artwork record is created, the designer can adjust the description, add comments, and adjust any other properties available on the artwork proof record.
 +==== Add Additional Proof Files to a Group ====
 +Adding additional proof files to a group is done simply by adding a new artwork file (one with a unique name) to the Proof folder. Adding more than one proof file will automatically change the Artwork Group type to "Collection".
 +Since this functionality is automatic based on changes in the files, Control does not enforce any internal security and anyone with write access to the Artwork Folder can add a new artwork proof file.
 +==== Set Proof Files as Active and Inactive ====
 +A Designer may need to remove a particular proof file from exposure to the customer. Setting the artwork item inactive on the order’s Artwork tab accomplishes this. An artwork item can be made inactive on the order’s Artwork Tab by selecting the proof’s action “Set Inactive”.
 +All of the information for inactive proof files remain, but:
 +  * Inactive Proof Files are not displayed to the customer.
 +  * No comments can be added to Inactive Proof Files.
 +Inactive Artwork Items (Proof Files) can be set active on the order’s Artwork tab.
 +Note: An Artwork Group cannot be manually set inactive, but becomes inactive automatically when no line item uses that group. When a line item is set to use an inactive Artwork Group, it automatically becomes active again.
 +==== Setting the Approver ====
 +The Approver can be set on the order’s Artwork tab.
 +The Designer and Approver are normally set when the order is created. Control uses this logic to determine the initial values:
 +  * If defaults are entered in the customer’s record, these values are used. Customer-specific defaults are entered on the Artwork tab in the company record for that customer. Defaults for all Named Roles may be set.
 +  * When customer-specific defaults are not found, store defaults for the Employee Roles are used.
 +Any employee with rights to edit an order artwork can alter any of the named roles.
 +Other notes:
 +  * All employee roles must be existing (active) employees in the system.
 +  * The approver must be an existing (active) customer contact.
 +==== Add and Review Comments ====
 +**Comments** are visible to Customers and to other employees.
 +Employees view and add comments on the artwork tab on the image proof detail. Customers view and add comments on the Artwork Approval CloudApp.
 +  * Comments do not trigger a change in status.
 +  * All comments trigger notification emails to Named Employee Roles.
 +==== Change the Due Date and Time of Artwork ====
 +The due date and time for an artwork group defaults to the order's Proof Date. It can be initially set by an employee with the ability to create an artwork group.
 +Changes to the artwork due date/time are logged and generate notification emails to Named Employees.
 +==== Send Reminder Emails ====
 +The option to **Send Reminder Emails** is available to all users when the artwork status is “Pending Approval”. This action sends reminder emails to the Named Customers for an order and is available on the order’s Artwork Tab for each artwork group.
 +===== Routing Tasks =====
 +==== Releasing Artwork for Customer Approval ====
 +The option to **Release Artwork for Customer Approval** is available when the artwork status is “In Design”. This action is available on the order’s Artwork Tab for each artwork group and does the following:
 +  * Changes the status of the Artwork Group to “Pending Approval”.
 +  * Initiates notification emails to all Named Customer and Employee Roles.
 +If a customer approver is not assigned, a message displays and allows the designer to add an approver from the list of contacts on the fly
 +Note: Each artwork group must be released for approval individually.
 +==== Marking Artwork as Approved ====
 +By design, the customer approval will normally advance the artwork to Production. However, at certain times it may be appropriate to bypass the customer approval because the artwork was previously approved or the customer verbally approved the artwork. In this case, the artwork may be marked Approved manually.
 +This option is available to employees with appropriate rights for WIP Orders only when the Use Approval Status for Orders option is enabled. (This status is always available for Pending Estimates.)
 +Manually changing artwork status triggers notification emails to all Named Roles. 
 +==== Mark Artwork as Produced ====
 +When artwork is approved and the order is marked built or sale, the status of artwork is automatically changed to **Produced**. (Note, this is not true for Estimates)
 +==== Returning Artwork to Design ====
 +This action is available on the order’s Artwork Tab for each artwork group and does the following:
 +*Changes the status of the Artwork Group to “In Design”.
 +*Initiates notification emails to all Named Employee Roles.
 +==== Returning Artwork for Customer Approval ====
 +If a change in the artwork is required, it may be necessary to send it back for Customer Approval. The “Return Artwork for Customer Approval” action performs this task. This action can only be invoked by an employee with the rights to release artwork for customer approval.
 +==== Returning Artwork to Production Ready ====
 +There may be times when it is desirable to return an artwork group with the status of Produced back into production. The action “Return Artwork to Production” changes the status from Produced to Production Ready. This action may be invoked by an employee with the rights to mark the artwork group Produced in the first place.
 +===== Source =====
 +Contributor: Cyrious Software
 +Date: 04/01/2016
 +Version: Control 05.7