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The Online Tax Module costs $550 from Cyrious.For it to work, however, you must also sign up on a subscription for AvaTax with Avalara.

Avalara Contact Information:

Sam Bedford

919-922-1335 (phone)


  1. Estimates
    • Cyrious submits tax request for estimates as temporary tax lookup transactions that are not committed to the Avalara system. The invoice number used is e plus the estimate number. Ex: Estimate #1234 is submitted as e1234.
  2. New Orders, Orders in WIP & Buit
    • Cyrious submits tax request for orders that are not marked Sale or Closed as temporary tax lookup transactions that are not committed to the Avalara system. The invoice number used is o plus the order number. Ex: order # 4567 is submitted as o4567.
  3. Orders Marked Sale or Closed
    • Cyrious submits tax request for orders that are marked Sale or Closed as sales invoice transactions that are committed to the Avalara system. The invoice number used is o plus the order number. Ex: order # 4567 is submitted as o4567.

1. Orders with decreased or increased sales amounts after submitted to Avalara for taxes

2. Orders submitted as taxable and then changed to exempt:

3. Orders submitted as tax exempt and then changed to taxable:

4. Orders submitted as tax exempt and then changed to taxable and the tax rate has changed since the order was marked sale:

Contributor: Team Cyrious

Revised: 1/10/2012

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