1. Enabled Employee Contribution for Workers Compensation feature. (144959.001)
  1. Fixed 'SSLIP failed to create IDs' error when printing the Daily Closeout quick reports. (142878.001)
  2. Re-added ability to export entire product list. (140647.001)
  3. Fixed an issue with marking a paid order from WIP to Sale that resulted in out-of-balance entries with taxes. (143022.001)
  4. Fixed the Commission Report to exclude a product's cost when the product's price is excluded. (141651.001)
  5. Fixed the PartUsageReportMaster01.rpt file to show the correct actual quantity, actual cost, and modified the report to work with Warehouses. (113011.002)
  6. Removed the user license limit for Gold and Silver level Control users. (143426.001)
  7. No longer get Invalid GLAccount when turning on Track Inventory. (144895.001)
  8. Variables used as dependent list are no longer allowed to be deleted. (144502.011)
  9. Fixed an issue with access violation errors while adding Actual Cost to a newly added part. (143590.001)
  10. Fixed an issue with credit numbers unmasking incorrectly. (142863.001)
  11. Can now delete and reassign GL Accounts. (142767.001)
  12. The Last Modified Date column is now updated when updating a Part's cost from the Part tab in an Order. (140558.001)
  13. Increased the timeout for C3S from 1 minute to 5 minutes. (140488.001)
  14. Unable to edit part category names. (133716.001)
  15. Date Warnings in System Setup are not saving correctly. (112932.001)
  16. Users are no longer prompted about not having a due date even when the option Do Not Warn about Due Date and Proof Date is checked. (126472.001)
  17. “Cancelled Reasons” and “Rejected Reasons” in System Setup changed to “Lost Reasons” and “Voided Reasons”. (106878.001)
  18. Estimate Analysis Report now reporting accurate data. (138510.002)
  19. In WebView, the user is now redirected to the welcome screen after the session times out due to inactivity. (143587.002)
  20. Fixed an issue in WebView with the password change feature. (143587.003)
  21. WebView no longer allows duplicate user names. (143587.004)
  22. Webview is no longer duplicating the first line item information for all subsequent line items. (143587.005)
  23. The write-off GL account has been changed from an income account to an expense account. (144183.001)
  24. Fixed an issue where finance charges were not being sent to Avalara. (144183.002)
  25. Control is no longer doubling some GL entries when a taxable order is marked paid and sale at the same time. (144183.003)

These changes are backwards compatible with the previous version of Control.

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