1. Email signatures in Control have extra line breaks (3757)
  2. Email signature gets double-spaced and loses formatting when message is created in Outlook (4560)
  3. Email signature doesn't save (4661)
  4. Email Options - TButtonColor not found (4664)
  1. A/V when posting part usage. (4402)
  2. A/V when switching between products in Product Setup (4414)
  3. A/V when editing UDFs for an order (4653)
  4. A/V when exploring the Walk-In Company (4685)
  5. A/V when switching between orders and clicking on Company tab (4682)
  1. All date parameter passes in NULL values to SQL report. (4142)
  1. Adjusting part cost does not post GL entries for Inventoried parts. (4592)
  1. Imported UDF values for parts do not support decimals (4114)
  2. Pricing Form Errors when viewing details in Line Item Sub Explorer (4279)
  3. Refresh Issue when Posting Part Usage (4413)
  4. Canceling the New product page causes Son Index Out of Bounds (4714)
  5. Production time showing incorrect date (4717)
  6. TInventoryAdjustmentViewFrame.DoRefreshData: RecordIndex out of range on Part Setup (4720)
  7. Adjust Product Information screen showing UDF that were not selected in Column Chooser (4756)
  8. Make all 4 options selectable under “Allow user to add new items/parts?” (4590)
  9. Payments - Index out of bounds during a void (4718)
  10. Info boxes in Calendar tab holding old values in Product Setup (4716)
  1. Incorrect spelling of merge field leads to Index Out of Bounds error (4684)
  1. WIP In Process Trial Balance report gives External exception error (4724)
  1. Inactive parts able to be added to current (Active) PO's to current (4679)
  2. Unable to select Line Item associated with an Order (4731)
  3. Inorrect PO Number being displayed on the Parts tab of an order (4760)
  1. Line Item Explorer - A/V when adding instrument (4564)
  2. Open command not necessary on Dashboards (4670)
  1. SSLIP failed to get next number error when saving CloseTheExport report (3747)
  1. A/V when adding Webview User (4406)
  1. Tax Exemption of Shipped To Company used instead of Customer Ordering (4753)
  1. Security rights not loading correctly (4715)
  1. Discrepancy in Activity List and Exploring Activities (3953)
  2. Make Deposits Screen Grid is pixelated, unable to select / deselect items. (4038)
  3. Change wording on date/time mismatch popup (4566)
  4. Credit limit reached - Incorrect Calculation (4561)
  5. Standard hotkeys not supported by HTML editor (3588)
  6. Production Division not visible unless Warehouses enabled (4668)
  7. Unable to create a Custom Date Range (4403)
  8. Price Change Notification Missing (4659)
  9. UPS imported Billing Address instead of Shipping Address (3517)
  10. Promotion doesn't show correct value in company explorer (4699)
  11. Options on Schedule tab in Employee Setup are not being saved (4687)
  12. Account Reconciliation option to exclude entries after statement date also excludes the statement date (4686)
  13. Top row of any explorer has box checked, which leads to blank entry in Activities tab (4732)
  14. Changing Due Date from Order Explorer directly causes no refresh to happen on alternate users Order Explorer (4738)
  15. Checkbox UDFs were appearing as 0 or 1 in explorer instead of as checkboxes (4739)
  16. Grammar/Spelling issue on the Production tab of an order (4722)
  17. Line Item Explorer - Variables tab is spelled incorrectly (4723)
  18. Divisions or Warehouses has to be enabled to be able to change the % Complete of a line item. (4721)
  19. Modifiers not holding their values once an order is saved (4719)
  20. 'TransMod_PK'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.TransMod' (4784)
  21. Tab Order not working properly in 5.1 (4790)
  1. Cannot edit the amount of a promotion using a dollar amount while in order entry. (4680)
  1. AR balances on orders paid in full (3604)
  2. Error freeing TCustTransHeader_BR Super Tier Object when loading parts (3779)
  3. Access Violation when saving Purchase Orders (3488)
  4. Error message when creating a station. (4563)
  5. Shared user login is not signing off after 5 minutes (3520)
  6. Out of Memory error when marking user specific order as Sale (3737)
  7. Divide by 0 error when trying to access user specific report (3450)
  8. Unable to create a Custom Date Range (4403)
  9. Slow speed on initial product load (4654)
  10. A/V changing order status (3739)
  11. A/V saving an invoice (3744)
  12. A/V when changing status (3750)
  13. A/V when converting Estimate (3775)
  14. Error closing day (3752)
  15. Inventory costs have been changed during the update (3753)
  16. Tickets showing the same created date and time (3794)
  17. Unable to send multiple invoices in one email (3514)
  18. Error freeing dependent object (TAccount_Entity) of TCustTransHeader_Entity (3810)
  19. Vendor Tab on Parts and PO units / unit cost mismatch (3513)
  20. International taxes re-calculated after changing tax class on a company record when using Avalara (4681)

These changes are backwards compatible with the previous version of Control.

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