We use a standard format for all the suggestions and fixes listed below to help ease any difficulties you may have when looking for a specific issue.

The format is as follows:

  • # The Service Ticket number we have in our Internal records (not always applicable)
  • Description of the feature added or issue resolved
  • (The case number used by the Development Team)

Example: #310937 - Add a Select All ability to the Payment Entry screen (11669)

  1. Expand the Caption field and auto-expand the Saved Search selection list in the Marketing Search Results instrument Edit screen (9753)
  1. Add the ability to pull values from a parent line item variable's property bag into a child line item variable (12822)
  1. #326606 - Add an Order Number and Age sort options to the A/R reports (12812)
  1. #311985 - Allow selection lists as an option for all UDF types (11975)
  1. #314102 - Allow more characters for Street Addresses (Lines 1 and 2) (12008)
  2. Add Tax Exempt Expiration Date as an option for Company Imports (12017)
  3. #266558 - Add Address Tax Class to Import for Companies (8242)
  1. #330728 - Receiving access violations when changing stations on orders (12832)

Purchase Orders, Receiving Documents, Bills

  1. #317501 - Attempting to add an invalid son type “TGLAccountGroup_BR”in a collection: TPurchaseOrderAccountList_CollBR (12123)
  1. #331067 & #316819 - External Exception when viewing customer A/R Statement (12107)
  2. #331585 - Report Criteria screen disappears when changing file destination path
  3. Invoice03 is dropping the Description (12823)
  4. #330842 - Cost Analysis by Order shows voided part usage (12826)
  5. #323066 - Accounting_AllAccountStatement01 is not correctly including Orders marked Sale (12618)
  1. #321736 - UDF check boxes not checking correctly (12615)
  1. #330753 - Certain SystemConfigs do not include the icons for the Show/Hide toolbar (12801)
  2. #331541 - Description field is deleted if you immediately change a tab that's not part of a Popup Template (12841)
  3. #318112 - Customer was able to type letters into fields that are now only numeric (12132)

2.5.0 (05/19/16)

1.7.9 (06/24/2016)


These changes are backwards compatible with the previous version of Control.

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