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In this topic, we will discuss the basic options available within the Ecommerce Online Designer. In the Admin Panel, the Online Designer is used to create a template for the end user. On the Storefront, the end user makes customizations to the artwork template before purchasing products.

Key Areas of the Designer Toolbar:

  1. Shapes – Add a line, ellipse, circle, or rectangle to your design.
  2. Upload – Allows you to upload an image. Please note that images should be less than 30 MB in size.
  3. Text – Add a text box to the design.
  4. Text with Merge Fields - Add a text box with a mixture of static and dynamic text information.
  5. Undo- Undo a previous action.
  6. Redo – Redo an action.
  7. Delete – Delete a selected item
  8. Preview – Generates a preview of the design.
  9. Print – Generates a PDF of the design.
  10. User Permissions –Set the end user permissions for this design. Set default color palettes and allowed font options for this design. For more information, see User Experience Permissions below.
  11. Quick Text – Preview how the customer’s will feel in your design’s text boxes.
  12. Design – Options to set fonts, colors, and spacing of different layers of your design.
  13. Save Changes – Save any changes made to the design.

User Experience Permissions:

General Permissions

  1. User can customize design - If checked, this option will allow customers to make changes to the product canva based on additional permissions allowed below.
  2. User can add shapes - If checked, this option will allow the customer to add additional shapes to the product canvas.
  3. User can add text - If checked, this option will allow the customer to add additional text boxes to the product canvas.
  4. User can upload custom images - If checked, this option will allow the customer to add custom images to the product canvas.
  5. User can view preview images - If checked, this option will allow the customer to view an on-screen preview of the design.
  6. User can add custom colors - If checked, this option will allow the customer to use the color swatch to create their own custom colors.
  7. User can view/download PDF proof - If checked, this option will allow the customer to view and download a PDF preview of the design.
  8. Show quick text list (if applicable) - If checked, this option will show the quick text list for the customer. If you are locking your individual elements, it is highly recommended you have this option turned on.
  9. User can change text stretch mode - If checked, this option will allow the customer to change the spacing of text boxes.
  10. Add watermark to preview - If checked, this option will add a preview stamp to the preview options of the product canvas.
  11. User can view canvas dimensions - If checked, this option will show the product dimensions plus bleed settings. All dimensions are displayed in inches.

Bleed Permissions - This option allows you to add the bleed dimensions to the product canvas. It will be visible to a customer as a pale red line.

Font Permissions - This option allows you to define what fonts or fonts group a customer can use on this image if given the permission to add or edit text boxes. For more information about managing fonts, see the feature article here.

Color Permissions - This option allows you to define what colors or colors groups a customer can use on this image if given the permissions to edit shapes and text boxes. For more information about managing colors, see the feature article here.

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