NOTE: the C3S update is required when updating to this version

  1. Voiding Bill payments no longer doubles the Ledger amounts. (150784.002)
  2. Fixed an issue where Control was not ignoring manual journal entries made against Orders, so the next time the Order was edited or paid on, the system was making the adjusting entries in an attempt to correct the accounting of the order. (151373.002)
  3. Vendor Credit Memos can no longer be created without choosing an Expense Account. (151387.001)
  4. Control is no longer posting to the expense accounts immediately when creating a Bill that has a cost different than the actual cost on the part. (152226.002)
  1. Part to Vendor link notes are now updating correctly. When updating Flags, Billing Notes, and Production Notes on a Part's Vendor tab, these will appear on the Vendor record. These fields are display only on the Vendor record. (98854.001)
  2. Fixed an issue on the Adjust Part Info screen where highlighting a number field then clicking Edit would fill with the value to the right, and if a checkbox was highlighted, the field to the right would be checked. (121945.002)
  3. Fixed an issue where the Pricing Formula on Pricing tab was not updating to the correct pricing plan if using multiple plans. (123477.001)
  4. Fixed an issue with certain pricing form fields not accepting edits when numbers have a comma (i.e., 2,000 could not be changed to 2,225 by only highlighting the 000 and typing in 225). (125682.002)
  5. The correct part description is now displaying in the Parts grid when the same Part is used twice on the same selection list. (127747.001)
  6. In the Adjust Part Info screen, when in View Parts by Product, Product templates are now displayed alphabetically. (131432.002)
  7. Fixed an issue where a Part would have multiple inventory records when Warehouses were not being used. (141087.001)
  8. When using a dynamic list, if the Part Description field has been manually overriden from the auto entry of the Part Name(a Materials Part), the part will now be brought into the Order using a consumption(fx) of 1 and the unit each. (150967.001)
  9. Pricing is no longer changing on the Vehicle Graphics product immediately upon edit after initial saving of estimate. (151544.001)
  10. Voiding usage cards now updates the Actual Usage column in the Parts tab. (152234.001)
  11. On the Adjust Inventory and Cost screen, adjusted the part name field to display longer part names without overlapping the Units field. (152234.003)
  1. Fixed an issue in the WIP by Order Station report where the second to last row was not matching the data. (126333.003)
  2. To: field no longer ignores any defaults that are set on the Report Setup screens. (127926.001)
  3. Reviewed System Reports and removed Height and Width hardcoded columns. (131276.002)
  4. GL Detail for Payroll report is no longer pulling information from WIP. (150322.002)
  5. The LogOffCrystalReports option is turned off when the Themes service is running. (151304.003)
  6. Fixed a rounding issue with the Peachtree export. (151356.002)
  7. Users should no longer receive the Logon failed error message when printing Quick Reports. (152648.001)
  1. Added a security right to allow users to refund Customer Credit. (125753.002)
  2. Added a security right to allow a New Bill to be saved as a Purchase Order. (128223.001)
  3. Price and Cost no longer appear in Production Terminal for users with those rights denied in Control. (152222.002)
  4. Added security rights to allow users to schedule Macros. (152646.001)
  1. Email signature section is no longer double spacing lines by default; lines are now single spaced. (62708.001)
  2. Line Items created through the Transaction importer now have line item numbers associated with them. (120542.001)
  3. Checking the option “First Try Lookup by Postal Code” no longer causes Control to get stuck in a loop if the Postal Code doesn't exist in the table. (125537.001)
  4. Fixed an issue where the entire Product list was not exporting. (140647.001)
  5. Fixed the improper handling of changes to items in Production Terminal dealing with records in edit mode within Control. (142650.001)
  6. Fixed an issue with deleting Companies that have Orders with payments. If a Company has open orders with Payments, you will received a message stating that this Company cannot be deleted because it has open Orders with Payments. (144384.001)
  7. Transpart.Description is now displaying a Selection List's description when one is entered. (146206.001)
  8. Users on the Windows 7 operating system can now update values in the Update Order Progress instrument. (148677.002)
  9. Sales amounts for out-of-state orders no longer show as taxable in Control. (150215.002)
  10. Inactive Stations are no longer showing in right click and Action Toolbar menus. (150611.001)
  11. Phone numbers will now format correctly when entered into company records. (151187.001)
  12. The Default for Order field on Purchase Orders is now keeping the value entered. (151412.001)
  13. Fixed an issue with voiding Overpayments to Orders and Customer Credit not adjusting accordingly. (151507.002)
  14. When you change which Order Line Item a PO Line Item links to, the link is now removed. (152247.001)
  15. Users should no longer receive a “No value assigned to Local Variable” error when a variable is overridden. (152748.001)
  1. Added a button next to the Station dropdown in the Order screen which displays the Station tree. (150611.002)
  2. Added options to set the Default Order Station, Default Station on Sale, and Default Estimate Station. (150611.003)
  3. On the Part Usage Card instrument, when adding a new Part, the Part tree will open instead of selecting from an alphabetical list of Parts in the dropdown. (151067.001)
  4. The option to require a Due Date has been added to Estimates and Service Tickets. (152222.001)
  5. In Production Terminal, the Item column was removed in the Part popup to make the Part name column wider. (152234.002)
  6. Increased the number of fields that the database allows for Transpart.PartCode to 50 characters. (152659.001)

These changes are backwards compatible with the previous version of Control.

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