1. Job Monitor Feature in Production Terminal (156284)
  • This feature allows users to view all jobs assigned to them, and to change the Station and Assigned To on multiple jobs in one step. Read more about this feature job_monitoring and bar_code_scanning.
  1. Added a prompt to void any associated usage cards when voiding an Order. (102750.001)
  2. The Invoice Number now shows on the Payments screen as well as on the Deposits/Payments screen accessed from an Order's Payments tab. (133069.001)
  3. Fixed an issue with most columns in Production Terminal that now allows sorting over multiple pages. (140631.001, 145984.001)
  4. The Marketing Search Results instrument now works with advanced Line Item queries. (140640.002)
  5. Fixed an issue where if a product was setup to use (none) for the Product layout used for Invoice/Estimate, it caused long save times when used in an order. (154752.001)
  6. Added Security Rights to prevent users from editing Purchase Orders (154867.001)
  7. Fixed an issue where email signatures were not being inserted when emailing Orders and Estimates. (155384.002)
  8. Exporting Currency fields and Date fields now brings the correct data type into Excel. (156211.001)
  9. Added scroll bars to the Notes popup in Production Terminal. (156211.003)
  10. Fixed an issue with the option to have Activity Manager display in 15 minute increments; it now displays correctly. (156580.001)
  11. Fixed an issue where the Employee name on Station activities was being overwritten when the Station was changed within Production Terminal. (156708.001)
  12. Fixed an issue with Recurring Activities firing off Macros even when the Macros were disabled. (156843.002)
  13. Clicking on the Pricing Form/Layout tab on product setup no longer takes a few seconds to load. (157050.001)
  14. The Shipping Method now displays in the Standard Bill report. (157157.001)
  1. Added Contact Type and the 3rd Phone Number to the Order's Company tab. (71097.001)
  2. Added an indicator to System Variables to show which Products have overridden Variables. (97180.001)
  3. Reworked the way the Adjust Part Inventory and Cost screen loads to improve the speed of load time. (140673.008)
  4. Changed the wording on the New Part popup that was added for Fulfillment for clarity. Instead of “What is the pre-order inventory level?” it now reads “Enter the quantity of this part that existed in inventory before this order.” (156464.001)
  5. Added a field for the Part price on the New Part popup that was added for Fulfillment to eliminate the need to go to the full Part setup. (156464.002)

These changes are backwards compatible with the previous version of Control.

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