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We use a standard format for all the suggestions and fixes listed below to help ease any difficulties you may have when looking for a specific issue.

The format is as follows:

  • (The case number used by the Development Team - link is for Cyrious use only)
  • Description of the feature added or issue resolved
  • # The Service Ticket number we have in our Internal records (not always applicable)


  • CCON-5252 Purchase Orders - Create a new Quick Parts list in Pricing Setup that can be accessed by Purchase Orders and Bills - #446968

CCON-5647 Reports - Add JSON to the File Type list for SQL Report Macro exports

CCON-5636 Explorers - Add First Estimate Created Date to Company Criteria Dates section of Advanced Query Builder used in Explorers - #484972

CCON-5632 Misc - Bill Payment Methods in Accounting Setup will now be listed in alphabetical orders - #484574

CCON-5628 Email - Add OAuth 2.0 support for outgoing Gmail from Control -
Note: Gmail has shut down the use of Less Secure Apps starting May 30th, 2022. You will need to go through the steps on the above wiki to authenticate properly and be able to use Gmail with Control.

CCON-5610 Misc - Add additional tabs to the recurring activities screens so that they can be run on more frequent intervals - #483150

CCON-5609 Orders - Create an alert when an inactive part is being used on an Order that is being edited - #483179 #484721

CCON-5604 Avalara - Updating Avalara Online Tax to RESTv2 Component

CCON-5597 Misc - Add a Cancel button to the message that comes up when you try to email multiple Invoices at once from an Explorer

CCON-5576 Misc - Add a message asking if users want to void usage cards associated with a line item when they try to delete the line item

CCON-5567 Misc - Add the ability to sort the part columns on the Vendor tab of a Company record - #477334

CCON-5566 Misc - Add the Station bar that is available on the parent product modal to the child line-item modal - #477444

CCON-5562 Estimates - Add a price change notification box when an Estimates price will be different after it is converted to an Order - #475666

CCON-5561 Misc - Allow merge fields to be used by various text fields on work assignments like they are with the Notes field - #477221

CCON-5560 Activity Manager - Change the color of activities with high priority to a light shade of red to help identify visually that it is a high priority item - #477118

CCON-5548 Misc - Add an Additional Medicare Tax section for high earners to Payroll Setup - #474452

CCON-5543 UDFs - Add an Employee Group section to User Defined Fields that use Employee Link as their Data Type

CCON-5541 Misc - Add a new section button to the Tax Tables area of Payroll Setup - #474004

CCON-5534 Reports - Add a “Show Line Item Total” option to the line item reports which currently show the Order total instead - #472826

CCON-5530 PrCA - Remove the minute/second hand from the timeclock animated graphic

CCON-5529 Payments - Add journal entry to Control and update email alert process when a successful online payment fails to post in Control - #469850

CCON-5528 Misc - Add the Time section to the main Recurring Activities screen

CCON-5526 Explorers - Add Status, Qty, Qty Billed, Qty Received, and Qty Remaining as PO Line Item options for the Advanced Criteria section of a Purchase Order Explorer - #474482

CCON-5525 Orders - Add a Cancel button to the screen where users pick a Quick Product when they have used an entire category as their quick product choice - #471483

CCON-5520 Misc - Add Closed as a Status that can be used with the Run Macro Action Status Change option

CCON-5515 Shipping - Add an option to prevent marking shipments as shipped from affecting Progress Billed amounts - #470952

CCON-3220 6.1 - Misc - Add a new Phone Number Format section in System Setup - #351507

CCON-5605 Misc - Online tax lookup is being doubled when saving certain transactions

CCON-5521 Misc - Issue with QuantityOnWIPOrder column in SQL not being adjusted when certain products with Finished Goods Inventory tabs are used - #471318

CCON-5668 Access Violation - AV when attempting to change the Status of a Purchase Orders Line Item (database-specific) - #487504

CCON-5658 Avalara - Out of memory error when moving an Order with a very large amount of shipments to Sale status - #486522

CCON-5655 Misc - Visual issue with the End Date selections on the Recurring Activity creation screen

CCON-5654 Bills - Bills are not creating the associated Journal entries with Orders on Save - #486431

CCON-5653 Avalara - Various errors calculating online taxes when moving Orders into Sale - #486437

CCON-5642 Avalara - Error calculating online taxes - 400 Bad Request when putting Order into Sale status - #486098 (Avalara line limit of 15,000 lines submitted)

CCON-5641 Orders - String or binary data would be truncated message when line item description exceeds 1004 characters

CCON-5638 Misc - Changes to check box selections for Weekly Recurring Activities are not being saved properly

CCON-5635 Avalara - Specific address in Guam is not being identified correctly using the Avalara address lookup function inside of Control - #484937

CCON-5633 Misc - Show Inactive box is being incorrectly selected when Part Setup is accessed by right-clicking on a Part inside of an Order - #484897

CCON-5627 Misc - Avalara address lookup option for General Delivery is not working correctly to validate addresses or taxes

CCON-5626 Explorers - Column Filters are reset in explorers after hitting refresh button - #484832

CCON-5623 Purchase Orders - Manually set Division differs from Warehouse Division in TInvTransPartDetail_Entity error message (database-specific) - #484775

CCON-5621 Misc - Order has 1300 ledger entries for unknown reason (database-specific) - #484755

CCON-5620 Misc - Direct Cost from Bills account entries are being reversed when Order is edited by a PO - #484752

CCON-5618 Access Violation - AV when trying to print reports via right-clicking an item on the Service Ticket Explorer

CCON-5616 Misc - Error posting online taxes on a specific customer order - Invalid XPath - #484653

CCON-5615 Explorers - Pricing Level and Discount Level options are not pulling in correct criteria on Advanced Explorer queries - #483330

CCON-5614 Orders - Layer products are dropping most of their data when converting from an Estimate to Order - #483441

CCON-5608 Explorers - List index out of bounds (4914) error when sorting by the Associated Order Number column in the Order Explorer - #483218

CCON-5607 Orders - Unable to save without an ID error when using the Delete button for a specific shipment on the Shipping tab of an Order - #483231

CCON-5603 Macros - Service Ticket Macros are not returning a TriggerID value - #481810

CCON-5601 Orders - Line item description updates are not updating the description for line item level Jobs - #482186

CCON-5600 Explorers - When exploring estimates and checking to include subsidiaries, it is not including the main company - #481981

CCON-5596 Bills - Pay button says Save when you open the Pay Bills screen without having any other tabs open - #481734

CCON-5595 Misc - Fields are not updating from reporting setup to actually printing from the invoice (data-specific) - #480473

CCON-5593 Misc - Cloned Estimates are retaining the promotion when it is set to inactive - #480656

CCON-5591 Misc - Line item Stations are being set incorrectly when an Order is cloned - #478772

CCON-5590 Bills - Voiding a payment on a bill duplicates the early payment discount - #480317

CCON-5589 PrCA - Order Description is not updating correctly on job boards in the production app - #478917

CCON-5586 Macros - Replace fields are blank for Email Macro Actions in Macro Setup - #477657

CCON-5585 Access Violation - AV when saving Recurring Activities - #478936

CCON-5584 Misc - Evaluation error when using the Vehicle product - #478923

CCON-5580 Misc - Deposit is being backed out when edited by a Purchase Order - #477603

CCON-5579 Reports - Pay Online button is not being displayed in Control or emailed pdf documents when sent or viewed from Windows 11 - #477546

CCON-5574 Orders - Usage is coming into Orders incorrectly when a conversion formula is being used for the product

CCON-5573 Orders - Actual Usage and Actual Cost are being wiped out from Orders moving from Built to WIP status

CCON-5570 Orders - OOBv3 pricing form is no longer refreshing correctly when changing out the Template selection

CCON-5565 UDFs - Default String formula values for user defined fields are including the quotation marks incorrectly - #477330

CCON-5564 Orders - Part Usage cards being doubled on Orders that have a Bill associated with them - #477323

CCON-5559 Misc - Postal Code is not being imported correctly - #477150

CCON-5558 Misc - Email option message window is defaulting to preset text size and not saving the user's choice. - #477117

CCON-5557 Orders - Station set on a derived product changed to (none) when the Estimate gets converted to an Order - #476101

CCON-5556 UDFs - UDFs are being cleared when Orders are put into Edit mode (database-specific) - #475983

CCON-5555 Security - Export Company security right needs to prevent the Export Grid option on the Company Explorer

CCON-5554 Explorers - Report activities are not being created from the explorers if you have more than one item selected - #475807

CCON-5553 Payments - Not able to look up a transaction via the Invoice Number in the Payments section - #475883

CCON-5552 Orders - Copy New Line Items option is bringing over all of the variations that were associated with Estimate even if they were deleted - #475800

CCON-5551 Misc - Moving Orders and Estimates to History is dropping details about those transactions making them unable to be used in the future - #475787

CCON-5550 Orders - Error during Save of existing transactions when a Part is being used that was sent to a new part category - #475737

CCON-5547 Reports - Issue with the Sales Taxes amount in Yearly Sales by Calendar Month report - #474404

CCON-5546 Misc - File Type is not being selected correctly when using SQL Report Macro actions - #474190

CCON-5545 Reports - Packing Slip is not page breaking correctly after each Order - 474236

CCON-5544 Orders - Issue with direct cost from bills reversals when multiple Bills are associated with an Order - #474041

CCON-5538 Reports - Associated Order Invoice is putting line items in the wrong order - #472965

CCON-5536 Reports - Update Quickbooks export report to work better with multi-user mode - #474039

CCON-5533 Purchase Orders - Invalid attempt to set abstract TaxClassOverridden (data specific) - #472845

CCON-5532 Companies - Users are unable to delete any addresses that are tied to transactions that have been Closed - #472578

CCON-5531 Artwork - Artwork status of Produced is not changing to Voided when the Order is marked as Void - #472719

CCON-5524 Payments - Keep this backdate until I log out feature is not working in the Payments screen - #471276

CCON-5523 Reports - The page size was not large enough to format the contents of an object in the report - #471272

CCON-5519 Payments - Payment screen sometimes randomly locks up after a successful payment is made

CCON-5514 Security - Users are able to Approve POs even when permission is denied - #471077

CCON-5513 Misc - Filters section on Activities tabs across Control are not saving selections automatically as expected - #469873

CCON-5505 Misc - Part Usage gets posted twice when an Order is linked to a Purchase Order that is converted to a Bill - #469630

CCON-5504 Reports - Income Statement - Divisions report displays #'s instead of the Totals for the Sales Income and Total Income when amount is too large - #469525

3.10.74 (02/16/22)

1.3.55 (06/29/21)

1.7.23 (11/13/2019) (02/05/2018)

These changes are backward compatible with the previous version of Control.

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