An update was released to all systems. Following are release notes related to new features, changes made to existing features and functionality, and fixes for previously reported issues. If you have questions, please contact our support department for assistance by emailing
New Features
- Improved handling of empty categories/sub-categories on the storefront.
- Additional minor UI enhancements in Admin for shipping related areas.
- Updated labeling and totals handling on Cart and Checkout pages.
Additional Resolutions
- The +/- product quantity increment buttons on the cart page are working as intended.
- When creating a new product the default Quantity Increment value is prepopulated with a “1”.
- The toggle to display or hide a subcategory on the storefront works as intended.
- No cost products that have a shipping cost greater than $0.00 are handled correctly in checkout.
- The checkbox on checkout for additional terms and conditions is correctly spaced.
- The quantity on hand value for non-tracked inventory products is correctly set.
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