Error setting up login in Control database while creating login:

System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Password validation failed. The password does not meet the requirements of the password filter DLL.

Artwork Approval and Online Payments stopped working. The HomeGate server was running, however it was logging the above error in Event Viewer. The System Administrator was not aware of any changes to the system in regards to security or password filtering. Upon researching further, it appears that Password Filtering is enabled on the server but there is no evidence available as to when it was added. Removing the password filtering settings, dll and rebooting the server resolved the issue.

The HomeGate service automatically creates a user in SQL Server to allow secure connection between Cloud City and the customer's database.

This wiki is for infomational and troubleshooting purposes only. These changes worked in a single case. The steps below are meant to aid in the troubleshooting process and may not be appropriate in all situations. Please consult with the Systems Administrator of the system you are working on before making any changes.

If you are not familiar or comfortable with modifying the registry on a server PC, please do not attempt these steps. Removing or changing the wrong thing in the registry can cause catastrophic failure of the server.

These are the basic steps that were performed for informational purposes only and are not step-by-step instructions.

1) Disabled Password Complexity in Domain and Local Group Policy

2) Navigate to:


3) Modified Notification Packages to remove reference to password filter dll


- Only the following remained:

rassfm scecli

4) Removed the pcnslft.dll from c:\Windows\System32\

5) Rebooted the server.

6) No longer receiving the error.

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