Explains how to group how_to_set_up_and_use_udfs into smaller, tabbed pages for easier readability and ease of access.

Our application has had a steady UDF creep as more and more are added to Transaction UDFs, Part UDFs, Company UDFs, etc. We can make separate layout pages to group them which is a very handy tool but has its limits as it creates Tab clutter in the Estimate and Work Orders. Cyrious provides a way to subgroup all the UDFs in the ALL UDFs tab into separate tabbed pages.

When using this feature be sure you have all the UDFs in a particular category properly names and grouped. If the name of the category is not entered in each UDFs category field, it will not appear in the Tab.

  1. Go to UDF setup and select the UDF category you wish to Tab.
  2. Enter a name iin the Category field of each UDF corresponding to the name you want to appear on the Tab and the grouping you wish to achieve. Note that you can have UDFs appear in more than one group.

Contributor: Steve Gillispie, Acorn Sign Graphics

Date: 04/11/2011

Version: Control 04.50.1103.2502

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