Updated: 2010-04-30

Version: Control 4.4

Table Purpose, Usage, and Notes

This table stores all products, modifiers and courses.

Information on Table Data

  • ClassTypeIDs Stores in Table:
    • 12000 - Products
    • 12010 - Modifiers
    • 30000 - Courses

Table Structure

~ Table.FieldName ~ Data Type ~ Description ~ Links To
CustomerGoodsItem.AccountCodeID int Not Used. Replaced by AccountCodeID in PricingPlan Not Used
CustomerGoodsItem.AlternatePercentCompletedFx text
CustomerGoodsItem.BarCode nvarchar(50)
CustomerGoodsItem.CalendarOffsetDays int How many days after the order/estimate created date is the Work Assignment scheduled for.
CustomerGoodsItem.CalendarReqdForEstimates bit A work assignment is required for this product in estimates.
CustomerGoodsItem.CalendarReqdForOrders bit A work assignment is required for this product in orders.
CustomerGoodsItem.CalendarReqdForServiceTickets bit A work assignment is required for this product in service tickets.
CustomerGoodsItem.CalendarRequireTime bit Not used.
CustomerGoodsItem.CalendarTemplateClassTypeID int The ClassTypeID of the Work Assignment Template. This should always be 21350.
CustomerGoodsItem.CalendarTemplateID int The ID of the Work Assignment Template. sql_structure_-_journal_table.ID
CustomerGoodsItem.CalendarTemplateStoreID int Not Used.
CustomerGoodsItem.CanChangeMakeup bit Determines whether the course can be made up. Used in courses only.
CustomerGoodsItem.CategoryClassTypeID int Determines whether the Category is a Product or Modifier Category.
12020 - sql_structure_-_pricingelement_table
12030 - sql_structure_-_pricingelement_table
CustomerGoodsItem.CategoryID int ID of Product or Modifier Category sql_structure_-_pricingelement_table.ID where ClassTypeID (12020 for Product Categories, 12030 for Modifier Categories)
CustomerGoodsItem.CategoryStoreID int Not Used.
CustomerGoodsItem.ClassTypeID int 12000 for products, 12010 for Modifiers, 30000 for Courses
CustomerGoodsItem.Color int Determines the color that the course is display on the calendar. Only used with courses.
CustomerGoodsItem.CustNotes text Customer Notes that can be pulled with CFL.
CustomerGoodsItem.DefaultCalendarClassTypeID int Determines whether the default calendar for the work assignment is a Part Instance or an Employee.
12075 - sql_structure_-_pricingelement_table
3500 - sql_structure_-_employee_table
CustomerGoodsItem.DefaultCalendarID int ID of the default calendar for the work assignment. sql_structure_-_pricingelement_table.ID where DefaultCalendarClassTypeID is 12075
sql_structure_-_employee_table.ID where DefaultCalendarClassTypeID is 3500
CustomerGoodsItem.DefaultCalendarStoreID int Not Used.
CustomerGoodsItem.DefaultEntryOption int Specifies the entry type for a modifier. Used in modifiers only.
0 - CheckBox
1 - Spinner
2 - DropDown
CustomerGoodsItem.DefaultLimitToList bit Specifies whether a list type modifier's values are limited to the values in the list. Used only in modifiers with the DefaultEntryOption of DropDown (2).
CustomerGoodsItem.DefaultPart2ConsumptionFx text Not Used.
CustomerGoodsItem.DefaultPartConsumptionFx text Not Used.
CustomerGoodsItem.DefaultSelectionListID int Specifies the ID of a modifier's selection list. Used only in modifiers with the DefaultEntryOption of DropDown (2). sql_structure_-_selectionlist_table.ID
CustomerGoodsItem.DefaultStageClassTypeID int Not Used.
CustomerGoodsItem.DefaultStageID int Not Used.
CustomerGoodsItem.Description text
CustomerGoodsItem.DurationID int ID of the duration type used scheduling the product. Used only in products with IsScheduled TRUE. sql_structure_-_activitytimespan_table.ID
CustomerGoodsItem.EndDate datetime Not Used.
CustomerGoodsItem.EquipmentCostFormula text Not Used.
CustomerGoodsItem.ExcludePromotions bit Specifies whether the product is excluded from promotions when calculating prices. Used only in products.
CustomerGoodsItem.Flags text
CustomerGoodsItem.FontColor int Determines the color that the course's text is display on the calendar. Only used with courses.
CustomerGoodsItem.HelpText text
CustomerGoodsItem.ID int Product or Modifier ID
CustomerGoodsItem.ImageID int ID of the product's image. Only used with products. sql_structure_-_pricinggraphic_table.ID
CustomerGoodsItem.InstructorID1 int Not Used.
CustomerGoodsItem.InstructorID2 int Not Used.
CustomerGoodsItem.InstructorID3 int Not Used.
CustomerGoodsItem.internalNotes text
CustomerGoodsItem.IsActive bit Indicates if Enabled. 1Record is Active, 0Record is Not Active
CustomerGoodsItem.IsArtworkGroupExempt bit Determines if an artwork group is created by default for this product
CustomerGoodsItem.IsAssembly bit Specifies whether the product is an assembly. Only used in products.
CustomerGoodsItem.IsChildByDefault bit Specifies whether the product is a child by default. Only used in products.
CustomerGoodsItem.IsChildOnly bit Specifies whether the product is only a child product. Only used in products.
CustomerGoodsItem.IsLocked bit Specified whether the goods item is locked. When locked the user can not change the goods item's name.
CustomerGoodsItem.IsPricingLevelExempt bit Specifies whether the product is excluded from pricing levels when calculating prices. Used only in products.
CustomerGoodsItem.IsScheduled bit Specifies whether the product can be scheduled on a calendar. Used only in products.
CustomerGoodsItem.IsSystem bit Used to Mark Required Records
CustomerGoodsItem.IsTaxExempt bit Specifies whether the product is TaxExempt. Used only in products.
CustomerGoodsItem.IsVarGridEnabled bit Specifies whether the variation grid is enabled for the product. Used only in products.
CustomerGoodsItem.ItemName nvarchar(50) Name of the Product, Modifier, or Course
CustomerGoodsItem.LaborCostFormula text Not Used.
CustomerGoodsItem.LastModifiedDate datetime The date which the item was last modified.
CustomerGoodsItem.LocalTags text Tag defined in this product. This does not include tags inherited from product categories. Used only in products.
CustomerGoodsItem.MakeUpType int Specifies whether the course can be made up. Used only in courses.
0 - Can not be made up.
1 - Can be made up.
CustomerGoodsItem.MaterialCostFormula text Not Used.
CustomerGoodsItem.MaximumSize int Specifies the maximum number of students that can be enrolled in the course. Used only in courses.
CustomerGoodsItem.ModifiedByComputer nvarchar(25) HostName of computer that last modified this record
CustomerGoodsItem.ModifiedByUser nvarchar(25) Windows User who last modified this record
CustomerGoodsItem.ModifiedDate datetime DateTime this Record was last modified
CustomerGoodsItem.NewEnrollmentOngoing bit Specifies whether the course is allowing new enrollment. Used only in courses.
CustomerGoodsItem.PartConsumptionFormulas text XML containing part consumption formulas. Used only in modifiers with the DefaultEntryOption of DropDown (2).
CustomerGoodsItem.PartConsumptionUnitIDs text XML containing part consumption unit IDs. Used only in modifiers with the DefaultEntryOption of DropDown (2). sql_structure_-_systemunit_table.ID
CustomerGoodsItem.PricingMethodID int Not Used.
CustomerGoodsItem.PrintAs nvarchar(35) Alternative name.
CustomerGoodsItem.ProductionTime int Number of default days before the product is due. Used only in products.
CustomerGoodsItem.Question nvarchar(50) The modifier question which appears in the modifier grid. Used only in modifiers.
CustomerGoodsItem.ReCalcTransHeader bit Specifies whether the product's price is recalculated when the order's status is changed. Used only in products.
CustomerGoodsItem.SaveTransRecord bit Specifies whether the modifier's TransMod record is saved with orders/estimates. Used only in modifiers.
CustomerGoodsItem.SeqID int
CustomerGoodsItem.ShowInWebView bit Specifies whether the product is displayed in WebView. Used only in products.
CustomerGoodsItem.SortOrder int Number used to sort the modifier in the modifier grid. Used only in modifiers.
CustomerGoodsItem.StartDate datetime Not Used.
CustomerGoodsItem.StationClassTypeID int The ClassTypeID of the starting station for a product. This should always be 26100. Used only in products.
CustomerGoodsItem.StationID int The ID of the starting station for a product. Used only in products. sql_structure_-_station_table.ID
CustomerGoodsItem.StoreID int Not Used.
CustomerGoodsItem.TaxCodeClassTypeID int The ClassTypeID of the taxability code for a product. This should always be 5005. Used only in products.
CustomerGoodsItem.TaxCodeID int The ID of the taxability code for a product. Used only in products. sql_structure_-_producttaxabilitycode_table.ID
CustomerGoodsItem.UseCalendar bit Specifies whether the product uses work assignments for order and estimates.
CustomerGoodsItem.UseCalendarForEstimates bit Specifies whether the product uses work assignments for estimates. Note: UseCalendar also needs to be set to true for this option to be considered.
CustomerGoodsItem.UseCalendarTemplate bit Specifies whether the products's work assignment for order and estimates are based on a work assignment template.
CustomerGoodsItem.UseParentStation bit Specifies whether new line items for this product take their parent item's station.
CustomerGoodsItem.ValidPeriodsString text XML containing valid contract periods. Used only in courses.
CustomerGoodsItem.VarGridParam1ID int The ID of the variable used as the first parameter of the variation grid. Used only in products. sql_structure_-_variable_table.ID
CustomerGoodsItem.VarGridParam2ID int The ID of the variable used as the second parameter of the variation grid. Used only in products. sql_structure_-_variable_table.ID
CustomerGoodsItem.VarGridValues1 text The list of values entered for the first parameter of the variation grid. Used only in products.
CustomerGoodsItem.VarGridValues2 text The list of values entered for the first parameter of the variation grid. Used only in products.
CustomerGoodsItem.UDFXML text The UDF values stored in an XML format. Only UDFs with values are included in the XML.
Note: This field is available in Control versions 04.40.1004.3001 and later.

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