Updated: 2009-09-17
Version: Control 4.4
Table Purpose, Usage, and Notes
This tables the basic store information. There should only be 1 record of this type in table. Additional record may cause duplication of certain data when displayed on reports.
Some early store options are stored in this table, however most system options are stored in the UserOption(?) table.
Information on Table Data
- ClassTypeIDs Stores in Table:
- 1000 - Store
Table Structure
~ Table.FieldName | ~ Data Type | ~ Description | ~ Links To | ||||
Store.AddressID | int | ||||||
Store.AppVersion | varchar(32) | ||||||
Store.AutoDecLunch | bit | ||||||
Store.BankAccountNumber | text | ||||||
Store.BankCode | text | ||||||
Store.BankName | text | ||||||
Store.BillDiscountAccountClassTypeID | int | ||||||
Store.BillDiscountAccountID | int | ||||||
Store.BillingAddressID | int | ||||||
Store.ChamberCommerceNumber | text | ||||||
Store.ClassTypeID | int | Identifier for the Type of Object | |||||
Store.CompanyName | nvarchar(25) | ||||||
Store.CustomerWebOutputTemplateID | int | ||||||
Store.DefaultAPsPaymentTermID | int | ||||||
Store.DefaultAreaCode | nvarchar(10) | ||||||
Store.DefaultCountryCode | varchar(10) | ||||||
Store.DefaultDueTime | datetime | ||||||
Store.DefaultpaymentTermID | int | ||||||
Store.DefaultTaxClassID | int | ||||||
Store.DepositMinimum | float | ||||||
Store.DepositPercentage | decimal(18, 0) | ||||||
Store.EmailAddress | nvarchar(50) | ||||||
Store.EmployeeWebOutputTemplateID | int | ||||||
Store.EquipmentCostMultiplier | text | ||||||
Store.EstimateTemplateID | int | ||||||
Store.FaxNumberID | int | ||||||
Store.FinanceChargeAccountClassTypeID | int | ||||||
Store.FinanceChargeAccountID | int | ||||||
Store.FreightCostMultiplier | text | ||||||
Store.HoursBeforeLunch | int | ||||||
Store.ID | int | Primary Key for the Table | |||||
Store.InvoiceAsOrderNumber | bit | ||||||
Store.InvoicePrefix | nvarchar(10) | ||||||
Store.InvoiceTemplateID | int | ||||||
Store.IsActive | bit | Indicates if Enabled. 1Record is Active, 0Record is Not Active | |||||
Store.IsSystem | bit | Used to Mark Required Records | |||||
Store.LaborCostMultiplier | text | ||||||
Store.LogoID | int | ||||||
Store.LunchMinutes | int | ||||||
Store.ManagerID | int | ||||||
Store.MaterialCostMultiplier | text | ||||||
Store.MaxClockOutTime | datetime | ||||||
Store.MinClockinTime | datetime | ||||||
Store.MktgListCode1Name | nvarchar(25) | ||||||
Store.MktgListCode2Name | nvarchar(25) | ||||||
Store.ModifiedByComputer | nvarchar(25) | HostName of computer that last modified this record | |||||
Store.ModifiedByUser | nvarchar(25) | Windows User who last modified this record | |||||
Store.ModifiedDate | datetime | DateTime this Record was last modified | |||||
Store.OrderMinimum | decimal(18, 0) | ||||||
Store.OtherCostMultiplier | text | ||||||
Store.OutsourceCostMultiplier | text | ||||||
Store.ParamToVarList | text | ||||||
Store.PhoneNumberID | int | ||||||
Store.PickUpAddressID | int | ||||||
Store.PickUpAddressLinkID | int | ||||||
Store.QPHomeListID | int | ||||||
Store.QPHomeListStoreID | int | Not Used. | |||||
Store.QPServiceListID | int | ||||||
Store.QPServiceListStoreID | int | Not Used. | |||||
Store.QPTransListID | int | ||||||
Store.QPTransListStoreID | int | Not Used. | |||||
Store.RoundingDigits | int | ||||||
Store.RoundingOption | int | ||||||
Store.RoyaltyFee1 | float | ||||||
Store.RoyaltyFee1Name | nvarchar(25) | ||||||
Store.RoyaltyFee2 | float | ||||||
Store.RoyaltyFee2Name | nvarchar(25) | ||||||
Store.ScreenTemplateID | int | ||||||
Store.SeqID | int | ||||||
Store.ShippingAddressID | int | ||||||
Store.StarShipProductClassTypeID | int | ||||||
Store.StarShipProductID | int | ||||||
Store.StarShipProductStoreID | int | Not Used. | |||||
Store.StoreID | int | Not Used. | |||||
Store.StoreNumber | nvarchar(25) | ||||||
Store.TagLine | nvarchar(75) | ||||||
Store.TaxIdentifier | nvarchar(25) | ||||||
Store.TipsPayOffAccountClassTypeID | int | ||||||
Store.TipsPayOffAccountID | int | ||||||
Store.TipsRevenueAccountClassTypeID | int | ||||||
Store.TipsRevenueAccountID | int | ||||||
Store.UseTaxLookup | bit | ||||||
Store.WebAddress | varchar(50) | ||||||
Store.WebInputTemplateID | int | ||||||
Store.WorkOrderTemplateID | int | ||||||
Store.WriteOffAccountClassTypeID | int | ||||||
Store.WriteOffAccountID | int | ||||||
StoreConstant.CategoryClassTypeID | int | ||||||
StoreConstant.CategoryID | int | ID of Category for User Constant | ?? | ||||
StoreConstant.CategoryStoreID | int | Not Used. | |||||
StoreConstant.ClassTypeID | int | Identifier for the Type of Object | |||||
StoreConstant.ConstantValue | decimal(18, 4) | ||||||
StoreConstant.Formula | text | Value of User Constant | |||||
StoreConstant.ID | int | Primary Key Field | |||||
StoreConstant.IsActive | bit | Indicates if Enabled. 1Record is Active, 0Record is Not Active | |||||
StoreConstant.IsSystem | bit | Used to Mark Required Records | |||||
StoreConstant.ItemProperties | text | ||||||
StoreConstant.ItemText | nvarchar(50) | Name of User Constant | |||||
StoreConstant.ModifiedByComputer | nvarchar(25) | HostName of computer that last modified this record | |||||
StoreConstant.ModifiedByUser | nvarchar(25) | Windows User who last modified this record | |||||
StoreConstant.ModifiedDate | datetime | DateTime this Record was last modified | |||||
StoreConstant.SeqID | int | ||||||
StoreConstant.StoreID | int | Not Used. | |||||
StoreConstant.UnitID | int |
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