Updated: 2009-09-17

Version: Control 4.4

Table Purpose, Usage, and Notes

This tables the basic store information. There should only be 1 record of this type in table. Additional record may cause duplication of certain data when displayed on reports.

Some early store options are stored in this table, however most system options are stored in the UserOption(?) table.

Information on Table Data

  • ClassTypeIDs Stores in Table:
    • 1000 - Store

Table Structure

~ Table.FieldName ~ Data Type ~ Description ~ Links To
Store.AddressID int
Store.AppVersion varchar(32)
Store.AutoDecLunch bit
Store.BankAccountNumber text
Store.BankCode text
Store.BankName text
Store.BillDiscountAccountClassTypeID int
Store.BillDiscountAccountID int
Store.BillingAddressID int
Store.ChamberCommerceNumber text
Store.ClassTypeID int Identifier for the Type of Object
Store.CompanyName nvarchar(25)
Store.CustomerWebOutputTemplateID int
Store.DefaultAPsPaymentTermID int
Store.DefaultAreaCode nvarchar(10)
Store.DefaultCountryCode varchar(10)
Store.DefaultDueTime datetime
Store.DefaultpaymentTermID int
Store.DefaultTaxClassID int
Store.DepositMinimum float
Store.DepositPercentage decimal(18, 0)
Store.EmailAddress nvarchar(50)
Store.EmployeeWebOutputTemplateID int
Store.EquipmentCostMultiplier text
Store.EstimateTemplateID int
Store.FaxNumberID int
Store.FinanceChargeAccountClassTypeID int
Store.FinanceChargeAccountID int
Store.FreightCostMultiplier text
Store.HoursBeforeLunch int
Store.ID int Primary Key for the Table
Store.InvoiceAsOrderNumber bit
Store.InvoicePrefix nvarchar(10)
Store.InvoiceTemplateID int
Store.IsActive bit Indicates if Enabled. 1Record is Active, 0Record is Not Active
Store.IsSystem bit Used to Mark Required Records
Store.LaborCostMultiplier text
Store.LogoID int
Store.LunchMinutes int
Store.ManagerID int
Store.MaterialCostMultiplier text
Store.MaxClockOutTime datetime
Store.MinClockinTime datetime
Store.MktgListCode1Name nvarchar(25)
Store.MktgListCode2Name nvarchar(25)
Store.ModifiedByComputer nvarchar(25) HostName of computer that last modified this record
Store.ModifiedByUser nvarchar(25) Windows User who last modified this record
Store.ModifiedDate datetime DateTime this Record was last modified
Store.OrderMinimum decimal(18, 0)
Store.OtherCostMultiplier text
Store.OutsourceCostMultiplier text
Store.ParamToVarList text
Store.PhoneNumberID int
Store.PickUpAddressID int
Store.PickUpAddressLinkID int
Store.QPHomeListID int
Store.QPHomeListStoreID int Not Used.
Store.QPServiceListID int
Store.QPServiceListStoreID int Not Used.
Store.QPTransListID int
Store.QPTransListStoreID int Not Used.
Store.RoundingDigits int
Store.RoundingOption int
Store.RoyaltyFee1 float
Store.RoyaltyFee1Name nvarchar(25)
Store.RoyaltyFee2 float
Store.RoyaltyFee2Name nvarchar(25)
Store.ScreenTemplateID int
Store.SeqID int
Store.ShippingAddressID int
Store.StarShipProductClassTypeID int
Store.StarShipProductID int
Store.StarShipProductStoreID int Not Used.
Store.StoreID int Not Used.
Store.StoreNumber nvarchar(25)
Store.TagLine nvarchar(75)
Store.TaxIdentifier nvarchar(25)
Store.TipsPayOffAccountClassTypeID int
Store.TipsPayOffAccountID int
Store.TipsRevenueAccountClassTypeID int
Store.TipsRevenueAccountID int
Store.UseTaxLookup bit
Store.WebAddress varchar(50)
Store.WebInputTemplateID int
Store.WorkOrderTemplateID int
Store.WriteOffAccountClassTypeID int
Store.WriteOffAccountID int
StoreConstant.CategoryClassTypeID int
StoreConstant.CategoryID int ID of Category for User Constant ??
StoreConstant.CategoryStoreID int Not Used.
StoreConstant.ClassTypeID int Identifier for the Type of Object
StoreConstant.ConstantValue decimal(18, 4)
StoreConstant.Formula text Value of User Constant
StoreConstant.ID int Primary Key Field
StoreConstant.IsActive bit Indicates if Enabled. 1Record is Active, 0Record is Not Active
StoreConstant.IsSystem bit Used to Mark Required Records
StoreConstant.ItemProperties text
StoreConstant.ItemText nvarchar(50) Name of User Constant
StoreConstant.ModifiedByComputer nvarchar(25) HostName of computer that last modified this record
StoreConstant.ModifiedByUser nvarchar(25) Windows User who last modified this record
StoreConstant.ModifiedDate datetime DateTime this Record was last modified
StoreConstant.SeqID int
StoreConstant.StoreID int Not Used.
StoreConstant.UnitID int

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