Updated: 2009-09-21
Version: Control 4.4
Table Purpose, Usage, and Notes
This table is a record of each line item on an estimate, order, service ticket, credit memo, or recurring order.
Information on Table Data
- ClassTypeIDs Stores in Table:
- 10100 - Transaction Detail
Table Structure
~ Table.FieldName | ~ Data Type | ~ Description | ~ Links To | ||||
TransDetail.ArtworkGroupID | int | ID of the Artwork Group that's linked to this line item | ArtworkGroup.ID | ||||
TransDetail.AssemblyIncluded | bit | ||||||
TransDetail.AssemblyIncludedOV | bit | ||||||
TransDetail.AssemblyLinkClassTypeID | int | ||||||
TransDetail.AssemblyLinkID | int | ||||||
TransDetail.AssemblyLocked | bit | ||||||
TransDetail.AssignedToClassTypeID | int | ||||||
TransDetail.AssignedToID | int | ||||||
TransDetail.BaseCalcPrice | decimal(18, 4) | ||||||
TransDetail.BaseIsOverridden | bit | ||||||
TransDetail.BaseOverriddenPrice | decimal(18, 4) | ||||||
TransDetail.BasePrice | decimal(18, 4) | ||||||
TransDetail.ChildItemCount | int | ||||||
TransDetail.ClassTypeID | int | Identifier for the Type of Object | |||||
TransDetail.ContractEndDate | datetime | ||||||
TransDetail.ContractPeriodID | int | ||||||
TransDetail.ContractStartDate | datetime | ||||||
TransDetail.Description | nvarchar(4000) | ||||||
TransDetail.DiscountCalcPrice | decimal(18, 4) | ||||||
TransDetail.DiscountIsOverridden | bit | ||||||
TransDetail.DiscountLevel | float | ||||||
TransDetail.DiscountLevelOverridden | bit | ||||||
TransDetail.DiscountOverriddenPrice | decimal(18, 4) | ||||||
TransDetail.DiscountPrice | decimal(18, 4) | ||||||
TransDetail.GLDepartmentID | int | ||||||
TransDetail.GLDepartmentIDOV | bit | ||||||
TransDetail.GoodsItemClassTypeID | int | ||||||
TransDetail.GoodsItemCode | nvarchar(35) | Product Code (text) for this line item | |||||
TransDetail.GoodsItemID | int | ID of Product for this Line Item | |||||
TransDetail.HasWorkAssignment | bit | ||||||
TransDetail.HTMLLongFormat | text | ||||||
TransDetail.HTMLShortFormat | text | ||||||
TransDetail.ID | int | Primary Key for the Table | |||||
TransDetail.ImageParamClassTypeID | int | ||||||
TransDetail.ImageParamID | int | ||||||
TransDetail.ImageParamStoreID | int | Not Used. | |||||
TransDetail.InternalNotes | text | ||||||
TransDetail.IsActive | bit | Not Used for This Table | |||||
TransDetail.IsComplete | bit | ||||||
TransDetail.IsDirty | bit | ||||||
TransDetail.IsSystem | bit | Used to Mark Required Records | |||||
TransDetail.IsValidTax | bit | ||||||
TransDetail.JobGroupingType | TinyInt | ||||||
TransDetail.JobGroupingTypeOV | Bit | ||||||
TransDetail.LineItemIndex | int | ||||||
TransDetail.LineItemNumber | nvarchar(50) | ||||||
TransDetail.MeAndSonsBasePrice | decimal(18, 4) | ||||||
TransDetail.MeAndSonsDiscountPrice | decimal(18, 4) | ||||||
TransDetail.MeAndSonsModifierPrice | decimal(18, 4) | ||||||
TransDetail.MeAndSonsRawSubTotalPrice | decimal(18, 4) | ||||||
TransDetail.MeAndSonsRoundingPrice | decimal(18, 4) | ||||||
TransDetail.MeAndSonsSubTotalPrice | decimal(18, 4) | ||||||
TransDetail.MeAndSonsTaxablePrice | float | ||||||
TransDetail.MeAndSonsTaxesPrice | decimal(18, 4) | ||||||
TransDetail.MeAndSonsTotalPrice | decimal(18, 4) | ||||||
TransDetail.ModifiedByComputer | nvarchar(25) | HostName of computer that last modified this record | |||||
TransDetail.ModifiedByUser | nvarchar(25) | Windows User who last modified this record | |||||
TransDetail.ModifiedDate | datetime | DateTime this Record was last modified | |||||
TransDetail.ModifierCalcPrice | decimal(18, 4) | ||||||
TransDetail.ModifierIsOverridden | bit | ||||||
TransDetail.ModifierOverriddenPrice | decimal(18, 4) | ||||||
TransDetail.ModifierPrice | decimal(18, 4) | ||||||
TransDetail.ModifierStr | text | ||||||
TransDetail.OldDescription | nvarchar(50) | ||||||
TransDetail.OverriddenAssemblies | text | ||||||
TransDetail.ParameterStr | text | Stores the Variable values of a line item | |||||
TransDetail.ParentClassTypeID | int | ||||||
TransDetail.ParentID | int | ID of Category/Group Above | |||||
TransDetail.PartStr | text | ||||||
TransDetail.PercentComplete | float | ||||||
TransDetail.PercentCompleteOV | bit | ||||||
TransDetail.PricingLevel | float | ||||||
TransDetail.PricingLevelOverridden | bit | ||||||
TransDetail.PriorityClassTypeID | int | ||||||
TransDetail.PriorityID | int | ||||||
TransDetail.PriorityStoreID | int | Not Used. | |||||
TransDetail.ProofApproved | bit | ||||||
TransDetail.ProofApprovedByID | int | ||||||
TransDetail.ProofApprovedDate | datetime | ||||||
TransDetail.Quantity | float | ||||||
TransDetail.RawSubTotalCalcPrice | decimal(18, 4) | ||||||
TransDetail.RawSubTotalIsOverridden | bit | ||||||
TransDetail.RawSubTotalOverriddenPrice | decimal(18, 4) | ||||||
TransDetail.RawSubTotalPrice | decimal(18, 4) | ||||||
TransDetail.RoundingCalcPrice | decimal(18, 4) | ||||||
TransDetail.RoundingIsOverridden | bit | ||||||
TransDetail.RoundingOverriddenPrice | decimal(18, 4) | ||||||
TransDetail.RoundingPrice | decimal(18, 4) | ||||||
TransDetail.SaleAccountClassTypeID | int | ||||||
TransDetail.SaleAccountID | int | ||||||
TransDetail.SaleAccountOverridden | bit | ||||||
TransDetail.SaleAccountStoreID | int | Not Used. | |||||
TransDetail.SeqID | int | ||||||
TransDetail.ShipFromAddressID | int | ||||||
TransDetail.ShipFromAddressLinkID | int | ||||||
TransDetail.ShipFromAddressOV | bit | ||||||
TransDetail.ShipFromClassTypeID | int | ||||||
TransDetail.ShipFromID | int | ||||||
TransDetail.ShippingAddressID | int | ||||||
TransDetail.ShippingAddressLinkID | int | ||||||
TransDetail.ShippingAddressOV | bit | ||||||
TransDetail.ShippingCompanyID | int | ||||||
TransDetail.ShippingCompanyOV | bit | ||||||
TransDetail.ShippingContactID | int | ||||||
TransDetail.ShippingContactOV | bit | ||||||
TransDetail.ShippingTaxClassID | int | ||||||
TransDetail.ShippingTaxClassOV | bit | ||||||
TransDetail.StageClassTypeID | int | ||||||
TransDetail.StageID | int | ||||||
TransDetail.StageStoreID | int | Not Used. | |||||
TransDetail.StationActivityClassTypeID | int | ||||||
TransDetail.StationActivityID | int | ||||||
TransDetail.StationClassTypeID | int | ||||||
TransDetail.StationID | int | ||||||
TransDetail.StoreID | int | Not Used. | |||||
TransDetail.SubTotalCalcPrice | decimal(18, 4) | ||||||
TransDetail.SubTotalIsOverridden | bit | ||||||
TransDetail.SubTotalOverriddenPrice | decimal(18, 4) | ||||||
TransDetail.SubTotalPrice | decimal(18, 4) | ||||||
TransDetail.TaxablePrice | float | ||||||
TransDetail.TaxesCalcPrice | decimal(18, 4) | ||||||
TransDetail.TaxesIsOverridden | bit | ||||||
TransDetail.TaxesOverriddenPrice | decimal(18, 4) | ||||||
TransDetail.TaxesPrice | decimal(18, 4) | ||||||
TransDetail.TaxItems | text | ||||||
TransDetail.TaxNumber | varchar(25) | ||||||
TransDetail.TermID | int | ||||||
TransDetail.TicketItemNumber | int | ||||||
TransDetail.TotalCalcPrice | decimal(18, 4) | ||||||
TransDetail.TotalIsOverridden | bit | ||||||
TransDetail.TotalOverriddenPrice | decimal(18, 4) | ||||||
TransDetail.TotalPrice | decimal(18, 4) | ||||||
TransDetail.TotEquipmentCost | float | ||||||
TransDetail.TotFreightCost | float | ||||||
TransDetail.TotLaborCost | float | ||||||
TransDetail.TotMaterialCost | float | ||||||
TransDetail.TotOtherCost | float | ||||||
TransDetail.TotOutSourceCost | float | ||||||
TransDetail.TotPartCost | float | ||||||
TransDetail.TransactionType | int | ||||||
TransDetail.TransHeaderClassTypeID | int | ||||||
TransDetail.TransHeaderID | int | ||||||
TransDetail.TransHeaderTransNumber | int | ||||||
TransDetail.UnitParamName | nvarchar(25) | ||||||
TransDetail.UnitParamValue | float | ||||||
TransDetail.VarGridParam1ID | int | ||||||
TransDetail.VarGridParam1OV | bit | ||||||
TransDetail.VarGridParam2ID | int | ||||||
TransDetail.VarGridParam2OV | bit | ||||||
TransDetail.VarGridValues1 | text | ||||||
TransDetail.VarGridValues2 | text | ||||||
TransDetail.VariationID | int | ||||||
TransDetail.WorkAssignmentClassTypeID | int | ||||||
TransDetail.WorkAssignmentID | int | ||||||
TransDetail.WorkAssignmentStoreID | int | Not Used. |
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