Provides instructions on resolving Avalara errors when pinging the service.

If any errors occur and the Avalara account information is correct, first verify this has been done correctly.

Registering Avalara Manually instructions in setting_up_online_taxes_avalara.

If a company name is longer than 50 chars, the avatax request will not be sent to avalara.

This can mean that the DLL's are not registered, the incorrect versions, or not present.

*The Avalara DLL files must be in the same folder as the SSLIP. If the SSLIP files move, copy the Avalara DLL's as well.*

This error can only occur if the wrong version of the Avalara.AvaTax.Adapter.dll is currently registered.

For Control version 4.5.1008.3001 and later, make sure Avalara.AvaTax.Adaptor.dll version is registered.

For all previous versions, make sure Avalara.AvaTax.Adaptor.dll version is registered.

Note: Right-click on the Avalara.AvaTax.Adaptor.dll and click on Properties, click on the Version tab to verify the version number.

Follow steps below to correct:

  1. If Avalara has been registered using the steps outlined here setting_up_online_taxes_avalara and the Ping Avalara in Control still generates an error stating the interface is not supported or cannot be found, check to see if the Avalara On-Demand Demo program is installed. If it's installed, uninstall it.
  2. Unregister the Avalara.AvaTax.Adaptor.dllfrom the SSLIP folder:
    1. Avalara.AvaTax.Adaptor.dll version

**//C:\Windows\Microsoft.Net\Framework\v2.0.50727\regasm.exe "C:\Program Files\Cyrious\SSLIP\Avalara.AvaTax.Adapter.dll /unregister"//**

  1. Avalara.AvaTax.Adaptor.dll version

**//C:\Windows\Microsoft.Net\Framework\v1.1.4322\regasm.exe "C:\Program Files\Cyrious\SSLIP\Avalara.AvaTax.Adapter.dll /unregister"//**

  1. Open the Registry Editor (regedit) and search the entire registry for the word Avalara and delete all entries. There are quite a few so this will take a few minutes, if you skip this step the error is still likely to occur.
  2. Shut down the SSLIP if running.
  3. Re-register the Avalara.AvaTax.Adaptor.dll for the appropriate version of Control. (4.5.1008.3001 and later uses version, earlier versions use
  4. Restart the SSLIP and Control.
  5. Click the Ping Avalara button under Setup | Accounting Setup | Online Tax.

The Profile SOAP header was missing or incomplete.

  1. Shutdown the SSLIP.
  2. Repeat the registration steps for the Avalara DLLs as discussed in this WIKI.


  1. Restart the SSLIP.

If you are able to ping Avalara but still receive this message you may be running out of drive space on the server (you will usually see an error message when starting the SSLIP as well)

  1. Check the amount of free space on the server (especially the C: drive)
  2. If there is no free space or very little free space, delete temp files or remove unwanted files that could be taking up needed space
  3. Restart the SSLIP

Contributor: Development Team, Cyrious Software

Date: 08/31/2010

Version: Control 4.0

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