Updated: 2009-09-16

Version: Control 4.4

Table Purpose, Usage, and Notes

This table stores the information about the product that is specific to a particular pricing plan (like the pricing). You may have multiple pricing plan entries for any product, but will always have a Default entry.

Since modifiers don't support different plicing plans, modifiers will have exactly one entry for each record in the CustomerGoodsItem table.

Information on Table Data

  • ClassTypeIDs Stores in Table:
    • 12040 - Product Pricing Plan
    • 12041 - Modifier Pricing Plan
  • Default PricingPlanID 10

Table Structure

~ Table.FieldName ~ Data Type ~ Description ~ Links To
PricingPlan.AccountCodeID int GL Account Code for Income (only used for products) GLAccount.ID
PricingPlan.AccountCodeIDOV bit
PricingPlan.BaseMinimum text
PricingPlan.BuiltInDiscountFx text
PricingPlan.BuiltInDiscountTemplate text
PricingPlan.ClassTypeID int Identifier for the Type of Object
PricingPlan.CommissionPlanID int
PricingPlan.CostMultiplierType int
PricingPlan.CustomerWebOutputTemplateID int
PricingPlan.DefaultDiscountFx text
PricingPlan.DefaultDiscountTemplate text
PricingPlan.EmployeeWebOutputTemplateID int
PricingPlan.EquipmentCostFormula text
PricingPlan.ErrorFx text
PricingPlan.EstimateTemplateID int
PricingPlan.EvaluateOnSaveFormulas text
PricingPlan.FamilyClassTypeID int
PricingPlan.FamilyID int Pricing Family ID
PricingPlan.FamilyStoreID int Not Used.
PricingPlan.FormulaTemplateFields text
PricingPlan.FreightFormula text
PricingPlan.GLDepartmentID int
PricingPlan.GLDepartmentIDOV bit
PricingPlan.GoodsItemClassTypeID int
PricingPlan.GoodsItemID int ID of Product or Modifier sql_structure_-_customergoodsitem_table.ID
PricingPlan.ID int
PricingPlan.IncludeModifierCost bit
PricingPlan.InvoiceTemplateID int Summary Product Layout ID
PricingPlan.IsActive bit Indicates if Enabled. 1Record is Active, 0Record is Not Active
PricingPlan.IsSystem bit Used to Mark Required Records
PricingPlan.LaborCostFormula text
PricingPlan.MaterialCostFormula text
PricingPlan.ModifiedByComputer nvarchar(25) HostName of computer that last modified this record
PricingPlan.ModifiedByUser nvarchar(25) Windows User who last modified this record
PricingPlan.ModifiedDate datetime DateTime this Record was last modified
PricingPlan.Notes text
PricingPlan.OtherCostFormula text
PricingPlan.OutsourceCostFormula text
PricingPlan.OverallDiscountTableID int
PricingPlan.OverallMinimum text
PricingPlan.OverheadFormula text
PricingPlan.PerPieceMinimum text
PricingPlan.PreDiscountFx text
PricingPlan.PreDiscountTemplate text
PricingPlan.PreDiscountType int
PricingPlan.PricingPlanTypeID int ID of the Pricing Plan this applies to (10 default) PricingElement.ID where ClassTypeID 12050
PricingPlan.PricingPlanTypeName varchar(50) Name of the Pricing Plan this applies to
PricingPlan.QtyDiscountTableID int
PricingPlan.RoundingFactor decimal(18, 4)
PricingPlan.RoyaltyPlanID int
PricingPlan.ScreenTemplateID int Pricing Form Layout ID
PricingPlan.SeqID int
PricingPlan.SetUpFormula text
PricingPlan.StoreID int Not Used.
PricingPlan.UnitPriceParameterClassTypeID int
PricingPlan.UnitPriceParameterID int
PricingPlan.UnitPriceVariableClassTypeID int
PricingPlan.UnitPriceVariableID int ID of Unit Price Variable (only used for products) Variable.ID
PricingPlan.UnitPriceVariableStoreID int Not Used.
PricingPlan.UseCustomPriceMethod bit
PricingPlan.WarningFx text
PricingPlan.WebInputTemplateID int
PricingPlan.WorkOrderTemplateID int Detail Product Layout ID

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