The Control Web Browser has been replaced by CEF3. All other rendering components in Control continue to use the old component.


Chromium is the browser that Chrome is based on. CEF3 is a subset of Chromium that is embeddable in applications. DCEF3 is a library of bindings and constructs that allow Delphi to access a certain version of CEF3.

New Switches

To disable the new browser and revert to the old one in Control, add the options DisableCEF=1.

Manual Install

In order for the CEF3 Browser to work in Control, the following files must be extracted into the CEF folder below the folder containing Control.EXE.

  • Multiple instances of ControlCEFHost.EXE.
    • This is completely normal. For every browser tab there will be an instance of ControlCEFHost.EXE.
  • Flash plugin is not loading.
    • CEF3 requires a certain version of the Flash plugin. You can get it by browsing to inside the Chromium browser in Control. After installation, you must restart Control.
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