Central Repository of links to resources that will assist you in mastering Control.

Create a Wiki listing with video or step-by-step training on specific tasks which users can key word search for by topic.

Who is it for? New employees that need to learn how to use Control - the goal of this webinar series is to help them become proficient in using Control. This webinar series is divided into two sessions:

  • Session 1: Navigation, Exploring and User Options
    (Learn how to: Log in to Control, Review home screen & navigation, Search for companies, estimates and orders, Use shortcuts throughout the system, Create activities using Activity Manager and Personalize Control with User Options.)
  • Session 2: Day to Day Use of Control
    (Learn how to: Add New Companies, Create New Estimates, Change Order Statuses and Stations, Enter Payments, Customize a Quick Product List and Set up personal print options)

Session 1 Recording: New Employee Orientation - Navigation

Session 2 Recording: New Employee Orientation - Day to Day Use of Control

Who is it for? Ideal for anyone in your business that is using Control.

There are a wide variety of different topics that are explained in depth. The pdf below contains the YouTube URL's.

Topics consist of:

  • Closeout
  • Custom Macros
  • Custom Queries
  • Estimated Variations
  • Purchase Order
  • Pricing Strategies and much much more.


Who is it for? Anyone using Control looking for a way to get small questions about pricing and other training answered.

When are these webinars? Tuesday through Thursday at 11:00 am CST, effective July 2, 2024. The new format allows for a maximum of three questions per person as time allows.

Log in here: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_NTY0OTRlMmYtMjQzNS00OTFmLWFjNDktNzJlM2FlZDY5Njk3%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22d7cb89e7-e0c6-44c5-8ac2-53b553372019%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2242a8ba90-b3b0-4c71-af20-d449f7777b23%22%7d

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Dial in by Phone Information

(Note: You must include the prefix 1)

1 (225) 407-9436 United States


1 (888) 271-6891 United States (Toll-Free)

Phone Conference ID: 813-623-494#

Employee Training - Link to all available lessons

These are some basic functionality lessons suggested for all new hires

Contributor: WEldredge, Cyrious

Date: 03/05/2011

Version: Control 4._

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