Central Repository of links to resources that will assist you in mastering Control.
Create a Wiki listing with video or step-by-step training on specific tasks which users can key word search for by topic.
New Employee Orientation
Who is it for? New employees that need to learn how to use Control - the goal of this webinar series is to help them become proficient in using Control. This webinar series is divided into two sessions:
- Session 1: Navigation, Exploring and User Options(Learn how to: Log in to Control, Review home screen & navigation, Search for companies, estimates and orders, Use shortcuts throughout the system, Create activities using Activity Manager and Personalize Control with User Options.)
- Session 2: Day to Day Use of Control(Learn how to: Add New Companies, Create New Estimates, Change Order Statuses and Stations, Enter Payments, Customize a Quick Product List and Set up personal print options)
Session 1 Recording: New Employee Orientation - Navigation
Session 2 Recording: New Employee Orientation - Day to Day Use of Control
CyrSkills Webinar Series
Who is it for? Ideal for anyone in your business that is using Control.
There are a wide variety of different topics that are explained in depth. The pdf below contains the YouTube URL's.
Topics consist of:
- Closeout
- Custom Macros
- Custom Queries
- Estimated Variations
- Purchase Order
- Pricing Strategies and much much more.
Consulting Q& A Webinars (TIME CHANGE)
Who is it for? Anyone using Control looking for a way to get small questions about pricing and other training answered.
When are these webinars? Tuesday through Thursday at 11:00 am CST, effective July 2, 2024. The new format allows for a maximum of three questions per person as time allows.
Are you dialing in by phone?
Dial in by Phone Information
(Note: You must include the prefix 1)
1 (225) 407-9436 United States
1 (888) 271-6891 United States (Toll-Free)
Phone Conference ID: 813-623-494#
Employee Training - Link to all available lessons
These are some basic functionality lessons suggested for all new hires
- Looking stuff up
- Creating
- Payments
Contributor: WEldredge, Cyrious
Date: 03/05/2011
Version: Control 4._