Collections Setup

In this article, we will be outlining the Collections section of the Admin Panel. If you would like more specific information about a given topic, please reach out to the Ecommerce Training Staff at

+ (New Collection) - This option will allow you to create a new Collection, or group of Products.

Search - This option will allow you to filter your list based on Name, URL Handle, or Catalog.


  1. Edit - To edit an existing record, click on the corresponding row.
  2. Image - Displays a thumbnail of the category image that would be displayed to the customer on the category selection pages.
  3. Name - This is the name used to identify the Collection on the Store.
  4. URL Handle - The unique identifier for the Collection used throughout the system to represent the Collection. By default it is the same as the Collection title. URL Handles support all alphabet and numeric characters. Any space and special characters in the Collection title will be replaced by a dash (-).
  5. Display Order - This is the display ranking for the Collection.
  6. # of Products - This represents the number of Products assigned to the Collection.
  7. # of Catalogs - This represents the number of Catalogs utilizing this Collection.
  8. More Options - Represented as 3 vertical dots on the far left side of the Collection row. Hover over the option menu for the following:
    1. Delete - This option allows you to delete Collections that are no longer needed. You will need to remove any Products attached to the Collection before deleting.

General Settings

  1. Collection Title - The name of the Collection used on the Store and browser tab.
  2. Navigation Label - The name of the Collection used in the Store menus.

Display Settings

  1. Display Order - Allows you to organize your Collections in an order of your choice.
    1. Smaller numbers will be displayed first.
    2. Display order doesn't automatically re-index.
    3. If two Collections have the same display order, it will sort alphabetically.
    4. If you will be entering more categories later, it is recommended you build spacing into your display order. For example, setup your initial Collections in groupings of 10 so you can insert more Collections in between later if applicable.
  2. Featured Collection - If checked, the Collection will be display on the Store home page.
  3. Show in Store Navigation When Child

- If checked, child Collections will be displayed on the parent's Collection page. This should be done on the child Collections in order to show on the parent Collection page.

Collection Image - Upload the image you would like displayed for this Collection on the Store.

SEO Settings

  1. SEO Title - This is the name of the Collection used during SEO searches. By default, this will be set to the Collection Title.
  2. SEO Description - This is the description of the Collection used during SEO searches.
  3. URL Handle - The unique identifier for the Collection used throughout the system to represent the Collection. By default it is the same as the Collection Title. URL Handles support all alphabet and numeric characters. Any space and special characters in the Collection Title will be replaced by a dash (-).

The Associated Products tab allows you to attach available Products to a Store's Collection.

Creating a Product Association

  1. Click + Associate Products.
  2. Click the box in front of the Product(s) you would like to add to the Collection.
  3. To Save your selections, click Add to add Product(s) but stay in Associated Products, or click Add and Close to add Product(s) and leave Associated Products.
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