Add-Ons Setup

In this article, we will be outlining the Add-On section of the Admin Panel. If you would like more specific information about a given topic, please reach out to the Ecommerce Training Staff at

+ (Add-On) - This option will allow you to create a new Add-On.

Search - This option will allow you to filter your list based on name, type, and display order.


  1. Edit - To edit an existing record, click on the corresponding row.
  2. Name - This is the name used to identify the Add-on.
  3. Type - This is the type of the Add-on. The options available are drop-down, check-box, text box, and radio button.
  4. Order - This is the display ranking for the Add-on.
  5. More Options - Represented as 3 vertical dots on the far right side of the Add-on row. Hover over the option menu for the following:
    1. Clone - Represented as overlapping pages. This allows you to clone an Add-on.
    2. Delete - This option allows you to delete Add-ons that are no longer needed.

Add-On Details

  1. Add-On Title - This is the internal name for the Add-On. This is the name that will be used in mapping to Control.
  2. Add-On Label - This is the name that will display to the customer on the Product page.
  3. Display Type - This option defines how the Add-On will display to your customer on Ecommerce.
    1. The option for Add-On type are Drop Down List, Ratio Button, Check Box, Text Box.
    2. When setting up an Add-On, it is important to think about what display type you will be mapping to inside of Control. For example, if the Control variable is a checkbox, you will want to setup a checkbox on Ecommerce.
  4. Check if Add-On is optional - If checked, the Add-On will not be required on the Product page. The customer can choose to provide an answer for the Add-On when configuring the Product, or they can leave it unanswered during Product configuration. If you want to require the customer to provide an answer, leave this option unchecked. A required Add-On will display to the customer as a Configurable Product on the Store, and they will not be able to add it to their basket until all requirement are selected.
  5. Add-On Tooltip - This option allows you to give instructions or information to your customer about what you expect from this choice. It will appear as a red question mark next to the Add-On Title.
  6. Display Order - Allows you to organize your add-ons in an order of your choice.
    1. Smaller numbers will be displayed first.
    2. Display order doesn't automatically re-index.
    3. If two add-ons have the same display order, it will sort alphabetically.
    4. If you will be entering more Add-ons later, it is recommended you build spacing into your display order. For example, setup your initial Add-ons in groupings of 10 so you can insert more Add-ons in between later if applicable.

Inventory Settings

  1. Enable Inventory Tracking - If checked, this will turn on Inventory tracking for this Add-On. It will enable the next two fields.
  2. Out of Stock Options - This allows you to decide if a customer can continue to order the Add-On after the above number reaches zero.

The Values tab allows you to attach the customer's choice(s) for the Add-On.

Creating an Add-On Value

  1. Click + (Add-Ons Value).
  2. Fill out the relevant information for your product. Required information for the Value is:
  3. Value Label - This allows you to give a name to the value. This will appear as an option in the drop down list, as a hint for a text box, and next to the checkbox / radio button.
  4. SKU - Unique code for the option in your inventory system, if applicable. If not using inventory, you can use the product name without symbols. SKU values can be displayed to your customer on the Store or order receipt.
  5. Default Selected Value - This option allows you to define a pre-selected answer for the Add-on on the Product page.
  6. Quantity on Hand - This is your current count of this option. This is a manual updated number, and it is not linked to your Control current inventory numbers.
  7. Display Order - Allows you to organize your values in an order of your choice.
    1. Smaller numbers will be displayed first.
    2. Display order doesn't automatically re-index.
    3. If two values have the same display order, it will sort alphabetically.
    4. If you will be entering more values later, it is recommended you build spacing into your display order. For example, setup your initial values in groupings of 10 so you can insert more categories in between later if applicable.
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