An update was released to all systems. Following are release notes related to new features, changes made to existing features and functionality, and fixes for previously reported issues. If you have questions, please contact our support department for assistance by emailing .
Enhancements / Refinements
- The title row for all tables in the Admin Panel will now remain visible when scrolling down on the page. (EC-2175)
- Carrier Rate shipping can now be disabled for a Shipping Method. This can be used when offering free shipping for the In Store Pick Up shipping method. This setting is located under Admin Panel > Settings > Shipping Methods > Shipping Rules.
General Fixes / Issues
The issues below were resolved in this release.
- Cart: Fixed an issue with displayed Unit Price not updating in the shopping cart. (EC-2166)
- Cart: Resolved an issue with displayed cart quantity not updating in the shopping cart. (EC-2179)
- Catalogs: Fixed an issue where after switching catalogs on a store, old products appeared in a blank search. (EC-2137)
- Collections: Resolved an issue causing columns not to sort on the Associated Collections page. (EC-2172)
- Products: Resolved an issue where Pricing Tiers were not displaying in the second store. (EC-2178)
- Shipping: Fixed an issue where the Shipping address is same as billing functionality was not re-selectable after a shipping address had change. (EC-2155)
- Wishlist: Fixed an issue preventing products from being added to the Wishlist. (EC-2167)
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