Control - Exporting To Quickbooks

This document will discuss how to export accounts from Control's Chart of Accounts into Quickbooks' Chart of Accounts.

  1. Under Setup –> Reporting Setup, whether it be “Close Day” or “Close Month”, include the Export Close action at the end menu item list.
  2. If the GL Export for Quickbooks isn't in the corresponding list, add it.
  3. In the General tab for the GL Export file, set the Print Option field to “Quick Save”.
  4. In the Options tab for the GL Export, set the date to “Since Last Export Close.
  5. In the GL Export, go to the save tab
    • Verify that the the save location is set to the ReportExport folder.
    • Verify that the file type is set to “QuickBooks”
    • To the left of the file name field, select the “Merge Fields” button and choose “DateTime” to append the current date and time at which the export report is ran.
      • This is not required but extremely beneficial to not cause confusion when trying to find or troubleshoot the export in question.
  1. In the Accounting Setup–>Chart of Accounts the corresponding accounts need to be mapped to an existing account in Quickbooks with the SAME ACCOUNT NAME and ACCOUNT TYPE:
    • The format will follow: AccountNamt—>SuggestedExportAccountName—>GLCLassTypeName
    • Customer Credits—>Customer Credit Balance—>Current Liability
    • Customer Deposits—>Customer Deposits Taken—>Current Liability
    • Employee Advances—> Employee Advances—>Current Asset
    • Write Offs—>Bad Debt—>Expense
    • Credit Given—>Customer Credits Given—>Expense
    • Opening Balance Equity—>Opening Bal Equity—>Equity
    • Retained Earnings—>Retained Earnings—>Equity
    • Credit Memo—>Credit Memeos Issued—>Income
    • Finance Charges—>Finance Charges Assessed—>Income
    • Order Rounding—>Order Rounding—>Income
    • Shipping—>Shipping Income—→Income
    • Sales—>Sales Income—>Account Group
    • Vinyl Signs—>Sales Income:Cut Vinyl Sales—→Income
    • Design Services—>Sales Income:Design Sales—→Income
    • Installation—>Sales Income:Installation Sales—→Income
    • Miscellaneous—>Sales Income:Item Sales—→Income
    • My County Tax Payable—>Cyrious County Tax Payable—>Sales Tax Liability
    • My State Tax Payable—>Cyrious State Tax Payable—>Sales Tax Liability
    • Accounts Receivable—>Cyrious Accounts Receivable—> Current Asset
    • Large Format Printing—>Sales Income:Large Format Printing Sales—→Income
    • Promotion—>Sales Income:Promotion Sales—→Income
    • Dimensional Signs—>Sales Income:Routing Sales—→Income
    • Screen Printin—>Sales Income:Screenprint Sales—→Income
    • Small Format Printing—>Sales Income:Small Format Printing Sales—→Income
    • Subcontract—>Sales Income:Subcontract—→Income
    • Undeposited Funds—>Undeposited Funds—>Account Group
    • Undeposited Amex—>Undeposited Funds:American Express—>Undeposited Funds Account
    • Undeposited Cash-Check—>Undeposited Funds:Cash and Check—>Undeposited Funds Account
    • Undeposited Discover—>Undeposited Funds:Discover—>Undeposited Funds Account
    • Undeposited MC-Visa—>Undeposited Funds:MasterCard and Visa—>Undeposited Funds Account
  • The Tax and Accounts Receivable accounts must show as listed because QuickBooks will no allow ExportAccountName or GLClassTypeName if different
  1. Open Quick Reports for the specified period(Daily or Monthly)
  2. From the preparation steps above everything is all set for you, so click the print button and answer any questions on the screen.
  3. The GL Export will automatically save to the ReportExport folder so it will not appear in the list of printed reports.
  1. Go to File–>Utilities–>Import–>IIF File
  2. Choose file that you wish to import from the Reportexport folder
  3. After receiving the prompt of the successful import, go to Company–>Make General Journal Entries
  4. Verify that the end date of the Control export is the date the import is showing as.

Warning or areas where the approach might not work as expected

  1. Out of Balance
    • Run the following query to locate the out of balance in Control
    • After correcting out of balance, resave the report and retry the export
  2. GLAccount missing name on Line(total number of lines in the export file)
    • Run the GL Changes Summary Report and look for any accounts that have a debit/credit amount but don't have an export account name.
      • Go into Control's Chart of Accounts and insert the desired external account name.
    • This message also appears when a QuickBooks Export has no data
      • Go to the ReportExport folder and open the corresponding export using notepad or Excel to verify that data is present or not.
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