Currently in Control, there is not a straight-forward way to update employee vacation and sick time balances at the end of the year.

Until this feature is added to Control, this article can be used make any necessary updates.

  1. Download the PTO Adjustment Report and save it in the “Reports” folder in the location of your Control files. On most systems, this will be “C:\Program Files\Cyrious\Control\Reports” on the Control server machine.
  2. After the download is complete, open up Control and go to Reporting Setup. This is located under Setup on the Main Menu.
  3. In the center section, under “Reports on Main Menu”, select “My Reports”.
  4. Above the Reports menu tree, drop down the Add menu and select “New Crystal Report”.
  5. In the “Menu Item Name” box, enter “PTO Year's End Adjustment”.
  6. Under File Location, select “On Drive” and click the “Browse” button.
  7. Select the “PTO Adjustment.RPT” file that was downloaded in step one.
  8. Save the new Report Item.
  9. On the right side of the screen, click the Print button and print this report.
  10. The report will list the remaining steps for determining the appropriate values that will need to be entered and where those values are to be entered.

Contributor: Gregory Schroeder

Date: 01/20/2012

Version: Control 04.60

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