Updated: 2016-04-15

Version: Control 5.7

Table Purpose, Usage, and Notes

This table is used to link individuals involved in the artwork approval to the order. A record is created for each customer or contact involved in the artwork approval process for the order. It contains, among other things, the URLKey (GUID) field used to allow Contacts to link directly to the approval page for that order.

Information on Table Data

  • ClassTypeIDs Stores in Table:
    • xxxxx -

Table Structure

~ Table.FieldName ~ Data Type ~ Description ~ Links To
ArtworkPlayer.ClassTypeID SmallInt
ArtworkPlayer.ContactID Int The ID of the AccountContact for customer Roles where the contact exists in the system. Approvers must exist as a contact ID, but commenters do not have to be. AccountContact.ID
ArtworkPlayer.EmailAddress Varchar(255) The email address of customer commenters when they do not exist in the system as an AccountContact.
ArtworkPlayer.EmployeeID Int The ID of the employee (for Employee Roles). Employee.ID
ArtworkPlayer.ID Int PRIMARY KEY
ArtworkPlayer.IsActive Bit A Boolean field indicating if this player is active or not. All named roles default to active (1). Adhoc players default to inactive (0). If a player is removed from a role (e.g., the customer approver is changes) and has no other roles then the player record is set to inactive (0). Inactive players are not notified. Email notifications are not sent to inactive players.
ArtworkPlayer.LastViewedDT Smalldatetime The datetime that the player last viewed any version of this artwork item.
ArtworkPlayer.LastViewedVersion Tinyint The version of this artwork item that the player last viewed.
ArtworkPlayer.LastVersionViewCount Smallint The total number of times the player viewed the last (latest) version that they have seen. Note: This is not necessarily the number of times they have viewed the most current version.
ArtworkPlayer.SeqID Smallint
ArtworkPlayer.TotalViewCount Smallint The total number of times this player has viewed ANY version of this artwork item.
ArtworkPlayer.TransHeaderID Int Indicates the order, estimate, or service ticket this player record is associated with. TransHeader.ID
ArtworkPlayer.URLKey GUID A unique URL that is used to associated to the player. This GUID is used as part of the anonymous key to allow a customer to link directly to their artwork for approval or commenting.

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