The DesignerPanel object (TDesignerPanel) is a component used in the pricing form designer. It is a “container” component located on the Group Boxes tab in designer.


Similar Components

The panel is the basis for all aggregate containers. The TRzPanel Pricing Form Object is the basic panel used in the pricing form designer.

Key Properties

This object adds several new properties not found in TRzPanel Pricing Form Object.

~ Property~ Values~ Default~ Description/Notes
DisplayedInfoAny enumerated_types_used_in_pricing_form_objectspmdTextDetermines what text is displayed on the panel
DisplayedPriceAny enumerated_types_used_in_pricing_form_objectspmpPriceDetermines what price is displayed on the panel. Ignored when DisplayedInfopmdText
DisplayedFormulaany CFL string expression(blank)Changed the caption to the value of this formula. Ignored except when DisplayedInfopmdFormula
HintDisplayedInfoAny enumerated_types_used_in_pricing_form_objectspmdTextDetermines the text displayed in the mouse-over hint.
HintDisplayedPriceAny enumerated_types_used_in_pricing_form_objectspmpPriceDetermines what price is displayed in the mouse-over hint. Ignored when HintDisplayedInfopmdText
ModifierCodeAny Modifier(none)Specifies the modifier used by certain pmd Types in the DisplayedInfo and HintDisplayedInfo
VariableNameAny Variable(none)Specifies the variable used by certain pmd Types in the DisplayedInfo and HintDisplayedInfo
VisibilityFormulaany CFL boolean expression(blank)Hides the panel if the formula returns False (zero), otherwise the panel is visible.

Other Properties

Most objects share common properties that behave similarly. See Common Pricing Form Object Properties for more information.

There are no other properties introduced in TDesignerPanel that are not found in TRzPanel.

Notes about Usage

  • Hiding a panel makes everything on the panel hidden as well.
  • Components on a panel maintain their own hidden status. Showing a panel does not change the Visibility property of the children, but does show them if they should be visible.
  • Refreshing visibility fields requires complex calculations every time any variable or modifier is changed. Having lots (> 25) of different visibility formulas can impact the refresh speed. It is better in these cases to put the common items on a panel and hide or show the entire panel.
  • Two panels can exist in the same place. You can toggle what is displayed by changing the two visibility formula using negative logic.


Displaying the SubTotal Price as a Panel Caption

Situation: You want to display the total price (including child items) as the caption for the form.

Properties to Set

  • DisplayedInfo pmdPrice
  • DisplayedPrice pmpMeAndSonsPrice

To move the displayed information to the top-left of the panel, you'll need to set some of the "Advanced" properties by clicking on the "Advanced" button and reselecting the panel:

  • Alignment taLeftJustify
  • AlignmentVertical avTop

Hiding a Panel Based on a Formula

Situation: You have a number of components that you want to hide or show in a particular situation (when the Complexity is “High”). Rather than set the visibility formula on each component, put all the components on a TDesignerPanel and use the panels visibility formula. (You can even hide the panel borders so it doesn't look like a panel.)

Properties to Set

  • VisibleFormula Complexity “High”

To hide the borders, you'll need to set some of the "Advanced" properties by clicking on the "Advanced" button and reselecting the panel:

  • BorderInner fsNone
  • BorderOuter fsNone


Contributor: Cyrious Software

Date: 8/1/2009

Version: Control 4.4

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