This manual was created with the hope that it can answer the questions you will have as you become accustomed to your new software.

Throughout the manual, you will see items that are designed to bring your attention to Notes, Warning and Go-To's. The image in Go-To's will be an icon relevant to the location or type of “link” represented.


note.jpgNotes are items that we want you to be aware of.
These functions will help you become more efficient with the software.
Example: The options that are available from the ACTION toolbar will change depending on the screen selected.

Figure 1 1 An example of a NOTE.


As with any software program, Cyrious is constantly evolving to improve performance and productivity. These are items you should look out for. ||

Example: You should never leave your system unattended for any extended period as you may prevent another user gaining access to the files you are using

Figure 1 2 An example of a WARNING.


systemsetup.jpg As Cyrious is such a complex program, we have included “links” in every section. These links will tell you how to get to the screens you need access to, click-by-click.
Example: Main Menu | Setup | System Setup

Figure 1 3 An example of a GO-TO.

Technical Support

If we have not addressed your question in this manual, please contact our Technical Support team.

Toll-Free (US): (888) 552-9823
International: (225) 752-2866
Fax: (225) 612-6308
Toll-Free (US): (800) 552-1418
International: (407) 573-1100
Fax: (407) 573-1101 ||

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