This page lists the standard tables used in Control for all database information.

For security purposes, tables or field are excluded from this listing if they are associated with user security or might contain sensitive credit card information.

Table List

* Account9/22/2009Stores Customers, Prospects, and Vendors
* AccountContact10/14/2009Stores Individual Contact Information for Accounts
* AccountContactUserField08/31/2016Stores UDF values for Account Contacts
* AccountUserField08/31/2016Stores UDF values for Accounts
* Address9/23/2009Stores Addresses for AccountContact, Employees, etc.
* AddressLink9/30/2009Stores links between Addresses and Companies, Contacts, or the Store
* AdvQuery08/31/2016Stores Advanced Queries for Sales & Marketing
* ArtworkComment04/15/2016Stores the text and graphing data for all Artwork comments made by Named Roles
* ArtworkDefaultPlayer04/15/2016Stores the Employee and Customer Default Roles Linked to each Account Record
* ArtworkDefaultRoleLink04/15/2016Stores the link between the Artwork Roles and Artwork Default Players
* ArtworkGroup04/15/2016Stores the information associated with each Artwork Group
* ArtworkGroupStatusHistory04/15/2016Stores the history of all status changes for an Artwork Group
* ArtworkGroupTransDetailLink04/15/2016Stores the link between the TransDetail table and Artwork Groups
* ArtworkItem04/15/2016Stores the records associated with each Artwork item.
* ArtworkLog04/15/2016Stores all of the log entries for artwork related events
* ArtworkNotificationHistory04/15/2016Stores the history of all Artwork email notifications
* ArtworkPlayer04/15/2016Stores the link between individuals involved in artwork approval to an order
* ArtworkPlayerRoleLink04/15/2016Stores which roles a particular player is assigned
* ArtworkProofFile04/15/2016Stores all attributes of a Proof File
* ArtworkSchema04/15/2016Stores the dates migrated of each schema version used for Artwork
* AssemblyLink10/16/2009Stores the link for Assembly containers between the parent and child Products (or Derived Products)
* CalendarLink08/31/2016Stores the link between the Employee and Journal tables for calendar activities
* CatalogItem08/31/2016Stores all Products used as Catalog Items for Vendors
* CCCSConfigurationData10/12/2016Stores all info for your account with Elavon (RegistrationKey, BankNumber, etc…)
* CCCSCustomer10/12/2016Stores all info for a customer's credit card
* CCCSTransaction10/12/2016Stores record for each time a credit card was processed through CCCS
* CCToken10/12/2016Stores all of the info for a card on file record. This table replaces the CCCSCustomer Table in Control 6.0
* CCTransaction 10/12/2016Stores record for each time a credit card was processed through Freeway. This table replaces the CCCSTransaction Table in Control 6.0
* CloseOut08/31/2016Stores Dates and Times of Closeouts
* CommissionRate08/31/2016Stores all the rates used on Commission Plans used in Pricing Setup
* ContactActivity08/31/2016Stores all the basic info releated to Activities that isn't stored in the Journal
* CustomerGoodsItem10/08/2009Stores products, modifiers, and courses.
* CustomRange08/31/2016Stores info related to Custom Date Ranges in System Setup
* Dashboard10/12/2009Stores info related to Dashboards
* DiscountTable08/31/2016Stores the Header row for a Discount Table
* DiscountTableItem08/31/2016Stores the rows in a Discount Table
* Element08/31/2016Stores miscellaneous items with a name and little other information.
* EmailActivity08/31/2016Stores basic info for email activites linked to the Journal table
* Employee9/24/2009Stores employee information.
* EmployeeContact9/24/2009Stores information about employee contact numbers.
* EmployeeGroup9/24/2009Stores information about Employee Groups and Divisions
* FedExShippingLog08/31/2016Stores log info for items shipped through FedEx
* GL08/31/2016General Ledger view used to see everything in the Ledger table that is on the Balance Sheet
* GLAccount08/31/2016Stores all account information for the Chart of Accounts used in Accounting Setup
* GoodsItemPartLink08/31/2016Stores the Link between the CustomGoodsItem view and the Part tables
* Graphic08/31/2016Stores the info for graphics used on Store and Divisions
* Inventory08/31/2016Stores the current values associated with all Parts that are set to Track Inventory
* InventoryLog08/31/2016Stores the history of all changes made to the Inventory table
* IOTemplate08/31/2016Stores the properties of Pricing Forms
* Journal08/31/2016Stores all information about Activities that are tracked in the program
* Ledger08/31/2016Stores all movement between Chart of Accounts for financial assets
* MarketingListItem08/31/2016Stores the lists displayed for Industry, Origin, and Region on a Company record found in System Setup
* Part08/31/2016Stores all information about Parts found in Part Setup
* PartInfoTemplate08/31/2016Stores information about Parts found in the Adjust Part Information screen
* PartInventoryConversion08/31/2016Stores the conversion values shown for Additional Units of a Part
* PartUsageCard08/31/2016Stores amounts for the Part Usage Cards associated with Parts on an Order
* PartUserField04/30/2010Stores UDF data for Parts
* Payment08/31/2016Stores Payment info and is relational to the Journal record with the same ID
* PaymentAccount08/31/2016Stores Payment Methods found in Accounting Setup
* PaymentPlan08/31/2016Stores Payment Plans found in Accounting Setup
* PaymentTerms08/31/2016Stores Payment Terms found in Accounting Setup
* Payroll08/31/2016Stores time and date info associated with processed Payrolls
* PayrollPaycheck08/31/2016Stores all paychecks that were created while processing Payroll
* PayrollPaycheckItem08/31/2016Stores all Payroll items used in each of the processed Payrolls
* PayrollPayItem08/31/2016Stores the different items you see used for Payroll in the Payroll Setup area
* PayrollPayItemLink08/31/2016Stores the link between Payroll Pay Items and the Employee tables
* PayrollPTO08/31/2016Stores all Paid Time Off info for Employees included in Payroll
* PayrollTaxTable08/31/2016Stores the basic info about the Tax Tables found in Payroll Setup
* PayrollTaxTableRow08/31/2016Stores the detailed info about the Tax Tables found in Payroll Setup
* PhoneNumber08/31/2016Stores Phone Numbers for Accounts, Contact, Employees, etc.
* PostalCodeTaxClass08/31/2016Stores the Tax Class used for specific Postal Codes
* PrCA.Board.Data06/16/2017Stores information related to all job boards
* PrCA.Board.Enum.SortType06/16/2017
* PrCA.Board.MyBoard06/16/2017Stores the link between employee and job boards
* PrCA.Board.StationLink06/16/2017Stores the link between boards and stations
* PrCA.Job.Data06/16/2017Stores information related to jobs
* PrCA.Job.TransActionLink06/16/2017Stores the link between jobs and tranactions
* PrCA.Schema06/16/2017Stores the schema version for PrCA
* PricingElement08/31/2016Stores miscellaneous pricing items with a name and little other information. Most used for groups/categories.
* PricingGraphic09/02/2016Stores the information about pictures that are saved to products in Product Setup
* PricingLevel08/31/2016Stores the information about the Pricing Levels found in Pricing Setup
* PricingLink09/02/2016Stores the link between Products and Variables, Parts to Calendars, Modifiers to QtyApplied variable
* PricingPlan08/31/2016Stores various pricing information with how it relates to specific products. Linked by GoodsItemID
* PricingTable08/31/2016Stores the pricing tables that are the Lookup Tables found in Pricing Setup
* ProdModLink10/14/2009Stores the links between Products and Modifiers.
* ProductTaxabilityCode08/31/2016Stores the information about Taxability Codes found in Accounting Setup
* ProductTaxExemptLink09/02/2016Stores the Product Taxability Code and provides a list of which tax accounts are exempt
* ProductUserField04/30/2010Stores UDF data for Products.
* Promotion08/31/2016Stores the Promotions found in Pricing Setup
* QuickProduct08/31/2016Stores the information about Quick Products found in Pricing Setup
* RecurringActivity08/31/2016Stores the Recurring Activities found in Sales & Marketing
* ReportElement08/31/2016Stores any changes made to reports that are stored as the default
* ReportMenuItem08/31/2016Stores all info about reports that are not default in the SystemConfig
* RuleAction08/31/2016Stores all Actions that are associated with created Macros
* RuleActivity08/31/2016Stores all Macro Acitivities
* RuleMacro08/31/2016Stores all Macro information not stored in RuleAction table
* SalesGoal08/31/2016Stores Sales Goals found in System Setup
* ScheduledPayment08/31/2016Stores all info on Scheduled Payments
* SecurityRightChange08/31/2016Stores changes made to Security Setup that are not default in SystemData
* SelectionList08/31/2016Stores info for all Selection Lists found in Pricing Setup
* SelectionListItem08/31/2016Stores info of the tables associated with each Selection List found in Pricing Setup
* Sequence10/6/2009Tracks Sequenced Numbers, like the Next Order Number
* ServiceContractType08/31/2016Stores the Service Ticket Contract Types found in System Setup
* ServiceTicketPriority08/31/2016Stores the Priorities for Orders, Estimates, and Service Tickets found in System Setup
* Shipments08/31/2016Stores all shipments added on the Shipping tab of orders, estimates, and service tickets.
* ShippingMethod08/31/2016Stores the different shipping methods used on the Shipping tab.
* SpeedNote08/31/2016Stores the info from all the non default Notes and Greetings sections in System Setup
* StateTaxExemptionLink08/31/2016Stores the link between state specific tax exemptions and their associated companies
* Station08/31/2016Stores information about each Station found in Production Setup
* Store08/31/2016Stores the information about the Business found in System Setup
* StoreConstant08/31/2016Stores the User Constants used in CFL
* SystemUnit10/08/2009System table for storing the unit of measurement used with Parts
* TaxClass08/31/2016Stores the Header Record for Each Tax Class
* TaxLink08/31/2016Links the TaxClass to the GL Tax Accounts they use
* TimeCard08/31/2016Stores all the time cards created
* TransDetail08/31/2016Stores the Line Item information for an Order, Estimate, or Recurring Order
* TransDetailGraphic09/02/2016Stores a bitmap image of the product layout used for the line item in TransDetail
* TransDetailGraphicHistory08/31/2016Stores the TransDetailGraphic when archived
* TransDetailHistory08/31/2016Stores the TransDetail when archived
* TransDetailParam08/31/2016Write Line Item Variable for Reporting. Never read by Control.
* TransDetailParamHistory08/31/2016Stores the TransDetailParam when archived
* TransHeader08/31/2016The Header record for Orders, Estimate, Bills, POs,RDs, and Recurring Orders
* TransHeaderHistory08/31/2016Stores the TransHeader when archived
* TransHeaderHistoryUserField08/31/2016Stores the TransHeaderUserField when archived
* TransHeaderUserField08/31/2016Stores the UDF values for TransHeader records
* TransMod08/31/2016Stores the Modifier Values for Line Items
* TransModHistory08/31/2016Stores the TransMod when archived
* TransPart08/31/2016Stores the Part quantities for Line Items
* TransPartHistory08/31/2016Stores the TransPart when archived
* TransTax08/31/2016Write Order/Estimate Tax Information for Reporting. Never read by Control.
* TransTaxHistory08/31/2016Stores the TransTax when archived
* TransVariation08/31/2016Stores the Variation Header for Transactions
* TransVariationHistory08/31/2016Stores the TransVariation when archived
* UPSShippingLog08/31/2016Stores the log info for items shipped through UPS
* UserFieldDef08/31/2016Stores the UDF Definitions for all types that use UDFs
* UserFieldLayout08/31/2016Stores the UDF Layouts found in User Defined Field Setup
* UserName10/01/2009Stores the User Login Information
* UserOption08/31/2016Stores the options chosen for each employee in User Options
* Variable08/31/2016Stores the Global and Product specific Variable Setup Information
* VendorTransDetail08/31/2016Stores the Line Item information for a Bill, PO, or RD
* VendorTransDetailHistory08/31/2016Stores the VendorTransDetail when archived


Version: Control 6.0

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